Displaying 981 - 991 of 991

Violence within the family: Churches need to keep their ears open to calls for help

German churches' experience with the issue of "domestic violence" will play an important role in a Peace Declaration of the World Council of Churches planned for 2011. "The churches have denied the existence of this issue for a long time", said Georges Lemopoulos, deputy general secretary of the World Council of Churches (WCC), speaking on Saturday 28 June in Frankfurt.

100 years of prayer for Christian unity

Churches throughout the world are preparing for next year's Week of prayer for Christian unity which will mark the 100th anniversary of the event. Worship resources in four languages have already been put at their disposal on the website of the World Council of Churches (WCC).

The Ecumenical Review

The Ecumenical Review explores emerging issues within the ecumenical movement and the potential and reality of Christian cooperation in faith and action. Founded at the same time as the World Council of Churches in 1948, it focuses on themes of current importance to the movement for Christian unity