Displaying 21 - 40 of 53

Latest issue of International Review of Mission addresses health as well as wider issues

The new issue of International Review of Mission includes a variety of articles, ranging from post-colonialism to public theology, and from mission models to Pope Francis’s apostolic exhortation. Two of the articles are specifically concerned with healing, which is a pertinent theme at this current period of the coronavirus. These two articles clearly indicate that the biblical concept of health consists as it does of the welfare, health, and prosperity of the individual person as well as of communities as a whole. Individuals are always part of the communities they belong to.

WCC condemns attack at Hanukkah celebration in New York City

The World Council of Churches (WCC) condemned an attack on a Hanukkah celebration at a rabbi´s home north of New York City, on 28 December, stabbing and wounding five people. Several state and local officials have described the location of stabbing as a synagogue.

Latest Issue of International Review of Mission focuses on “Emerging Missional Movements”

The latest issue of the World Council of Churches’ journal International Review of Mission deals with the relationship between church and mission by focusing on the missional movements that have emerged in many places during the past two decades, and that have been described by terms such as “fresh expressions of church,” “emerging churches,” or, in short, “Fresh X.”

Mission and people with disabilities

How much is the mission of the church related to people with disabilities? These days we talk a lot about inclusive societies and churches. But, have we arrived there? Are our societies and churches taking seriously the problems and challenges that people with disabilities face on a daily basis? People with disabilities find themselves quite often at the margins of the societies and even of the churches.

Global conference on promoting peace cultivates ‘one human family’

At a conference with the theme “Promoting Peace Together” held in Geneva on 21 May, religious leaders focused on two historic documents related to peace-making. The first, “Human Fraternity for World Peace and Living Together,” was jointly signed by Pope Francis and the Grand Imam of Al-Azhar in Abu Dhabi in February. The second, “Education for Peace in a Multi-Religious World: A Christian Perspective,” jointly prepared by the Pontifical Council for Interreligious Dialogue and the World Council of Churches (WCC), was officially launched at the conference.

Latest issue of Ecumenical Review focuses on Freedom, Love and Justice

The latest issue of The Ecumenical Review, the quarterly journal of the World Council of Churches, opens with an article by WCC general secretary the Rev. Dr Olav Fykse Tveit, “Freedom, Love and Justice,” reflecting on the theme for the WCC's 11th Assembly in 2021, “Christ's love moves the world to reconciliation and unity.”

New issue: International Review of Mission

The latest issue of the International Review of Mission, the biannual journal of the WCC contains a selection of articles which were on the one hand given as key lectures at the Conference on World Mission and Evangelism in Arusha from 8-13 March 2018 and on the other hand articles from Missiologists from all over the world, including Catholic, Pentecostal, Protestant and Orthodox voices, asking about “Mission quo vadis after Arusha?”.

Konrad Raiser shares ecumenical journey of transformation

Rev. Dr Konrad Raiser has been on an ecumenical journey for most of his adult life, which spans 80 years. The former WCC general secretary relates some of this pilgrimage in his newest publication, “The Challenge of Transformation: An Ecumenical Journey.” On 5 February, shortly after Raiser’s birthday, ecumenical experts from different generations, confessions and continents met in Geneva to discuss the newest publication by the man who led the WCC from 1993 to 2003.

Ecumenical Review focuses on contemporary ecumenical challenges in Asia

It is time to revitalize the Asian ecumenical movement to respond to contemporary realities in Asia, according to Mathews George Chunakara, general secretary of the Christian Conference of Asia, in the article that opens the latest issue of The Ecumenical Review, the quarterly journal of the WCC.

Noted ecumenist Keith Clements publishes memoir: Look Back in Hope – An Ecumenical Life

A memoir by noted ecumenist, Keith Clements, was launched Monday, 25 September at the Ecumenical Centre in Geneva. The event celebrating the publication of Look Back in Hope: An Ecumenical Life featured an address by Clements followed by a panel discussion on the theme of the importance of history and biography for the formation of a new generation of ecumenists.

Missional formation for new contexts

How can seminaries, mission agencies, and theological schools teach mission in an age of such vast turmoil and change? How can the newer, post-colonial paradigms of mission--especially "mission from the margins"--be built into curricula and begin to form the aims, attitudes, and practices of mission everywhere?

Meeting focuses on facing fears through interreligious work

“What contribution can those involved in the interreligious work of the churches offer in the current challenges faced in Europe at the present time?” This was the primary question addressed during a 29-31 March meeting of people working as interreligious officers for various churches in Europe and church-related organizations.

WCC climate change group plans advocacy strategy

Speaking at the opening of the meeting of the World Council of Churches (WCC) Working Group on Climate Change (WGCC), Rev. Dr Olav Fkyse Tveit, WCC general secretary, emphasized the importance of facing climate justice issues with spiritual commitment and multidisciplinary collaborative preparedness. “Christians should look at climate change challenges through the lens of faith and hope in God’s love”, he reflected.