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Recommended Practices to Combat HIV-Related Stigma

A Guidebook for Local Faith Communities
David Barstow
Gracia Violeta Ross
Manoj Kurian

In Recommended Practices to Combat HIV-Related Stigma, the World Council of Churches presents experiences of local congregations responding to HIV stigma. HIV stigma remains a significant barrier to universal access to care and prevention services and continues to be a challenge for the world, demanding our engagement and action. The faith community, with its large networks, influence and leadership, is well-placed to end HIV stigma and discrimination. It is our responsibility to participate in the HIV response; it is our calling to care for the most vulnerable.

Faith Sector Implementation of the Global AIDS Strategy

David Barstow
Gracia Violeta Ross
Manoj Kurian

The HIV epidemic continues to present a challenge for today’s world. The engagement and action of faith communities, in coordination with other actors, are crucial if we want to realize the goal of ending AIDS as a public health threat by 2030. How can the faith communities have sound and relevant responses to the current challenges of HIV? In Faith Sector Implementation of the Global AIDS Strategy, the authors summarize three global strategies on HIV and provide examples of interventions and actions for faith communities.

Celebratory event discusses Black leaders’ contributions to WCC

A public online celebration and panel discussion on 31 August, They too were Gathered: Paying homage to Black peoples contributions to 75 years of World Council of Churches (WCC),” uncovered the contributions of Black people from different parts of the world in the formation and growth of the WCC.

Participants at the Emerging Peacemakers Forum send a message of hope to COP28

50 young people from 24 countries have sent a message of hope to the Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP28), which will be hosted by the United Arab Emirates at the end of 2023. The message was delivered during a special ceremony during the second edition of the Emerging Peacemakers Forum, held at the Ecumenical Institute at Bossey, Switzerland.

What a woman!

These words described the dreams of the kind of woman a young woman aspires to be, illustrated by moving images of womens involvement in the history of the ecumenical movement. This performance poem was just part of an inspiring meeting of the women of the ecumenical movement that were present at the World Council of Churches (WCC) central committee meeting on 22 June.