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Churches across the globe prepare for Week of Prayer for Christian Unity

From 18-25 January, Christians will embark on the largest prayer gathering in the world, the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity. Whether praying together, exchanging preachers or planning ecumenical services, they will bear witness to Jesus’s prayer for his disciples that “they may be one so that the world may believe.”

Les Églises du monde entier se préparent à la Semaine de prière pour l’unité des chrétiens

Du 18 au 25 janvier, les chrétiennes et les chrétiens entameront le plus grand rassemblement de prière au monde, la Semaine de prière pour l’unité des chrétiens. Que ce soit par des prières communes, l’échange de prédicateurs ou l’organisation de célébrations œcuméniques, ils rendront témoignage de la prière de Jésus à ses disciples: «que tous soient un afin que le monde croie».

United Bible Societies: A world fellowship serving the churches

Bible Societies are working in more than 200 countries and territories around the world to make known the Word of God. At the heart of the work – from the translation of Holy Scripture to publishing, distribution and advocacy, and engagement activities – is the principle of collaborating with and serving the churches.