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Indigenous peoples and the pandemic in the land of inequalities

476 million indigenous people live around the world, of which 11.5% live in our Latin American region. In these years that we are going from the COVID 19 pandemic in our territories (indigenous or tribal at the Latin American level), the presence of many extractive companies, mainly uranium and lithium, has increased, land traffickers and among other monoculture companies with fires for the cultivation of oil palm, logging, putting vulnerable peoples at greater risk than what is already experienced.

In Colombia, “what is happening is terribly painful”

Rev. Gloria Ulloa, World Council of Churches president for Latin America and the Caribbean, is in Cali, Colombia, with a delegation of DiPaz, the country’s main ecumenical peacebuilding platform. The group is having direct grassroots contact with the conflicts currently taking place. Ulloa and others hope to bring to light testimonies of peoples and communities usually forgotten by the big media.

Below is Ulloa's latest description on the ground.

Les Grands-mères de la place de Mai sont un exemple du rôle moteur des femmes en matière de justice et de paix

Si les violences envers les femmes sont monnaie courante dans les situations de guerre et d’oppression, les femmes n’en prennent pas moins fréquemment l’initiative de s’élever contre l’injustice. Le courage affiché par les mères et les grands-mères des disparu-e-s de la «guerre sale» en Argentine (1976-1983) a été qualifié d’exemple et de défi par les responsables du COE.