Displaying 101 - 120 of 153

Les Églises prêtes à unir leurs forces pour aider les réfugiés

Les participants à la récente Conférence sur la crise des réfugiés en Europe, accueillie par le COE, se sont déclarés encouragés après avoir pris connaissance de la multitude d’activités mises en place par les Églises, du Liban à la Finlande, en passant par la Serbie, la Grèce et l’Allemagne.

"I hit the ground running": Katalina Tahaafe-Williams

Two major crises have marked the months since the WCC called Katalina Tahaafe-Williams to work in Geneva on its migration, indigenous, and multicultural ministry programmes. When she took up the job in October, the European refugee crisis was in full flow. Then in November, terrorists attacked Paris.

Anglican primates meet, focus on unity

Primates from across the Anglican Communion are meeting 11-16 January in Canterbury at the invitation of Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby. The leaders of the 38 provinces are gathering for the first time since their meeting in Dublin in 2011. Within the Anglican Communion, the primates’ meeting is understood as one of the four “instruments of communion”.

One refugee’s story: from Syria to France

Azad is a refugee from the north of Aleppo, Syria and is currently in The Jungle camp in Calais, France. “It’s hard here” says Azad, and then falls quiet. “People are hungry, cold, afraid and we can’t do anything”. He’s sitting cross-legged on the floor of a small shelter.

Histoire d’un réfugié: de la Syrie à la France

Azad* est un réfugié originaire d’Alep en Syrie. Il se trouve actuellement dans le camp de réfugiés qu’on appelle la «jungle» de Calais, dans le nord de la France. «C’est dur ici», confie Azad, avant de retomber dans le silence. «Les gens ont faim, froid et peur et on ne peut rien faire». Il est assis en tailleur sur le sol d’un petit abri.

United Bible Societies: A world fellowship serving the churches

Bible Societies are working in more than 200 countries and territories around the world to make known the Word of God. At the heart of the work – from the translation of Holy Scripture to publishing, distribution and advocacy, and engagement activities – is the principle of collaborating with and serving the churches.

WCC visits Inter Faith Centre in Dublin

A delegation from the WCC went to the Inter Faith Centre at the Dublin City University in the Republic of Ireland as part of the four-day member church visit to Ireland from 28 November to 1 December.

Visite du COE au Centre interreligieux de Dublin

Une délégation du COE a visité le Centre interreligieux de l’Université Dublin City en République d’Irlande, du 28 novembre au 1er décembre, dans le cadre d’une visite de quatre jours aux Églises membres d’Irlande.

Hundreds of pilgrims making way to UN Climate Change Conference

World leaders will meet at the crucial United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP 21) in Paris from 30 November to 11 December. Faith groups around the world are building awareness of the importance of reaching a binding and ambitious agreement at the talks. In October, WCC members have taken part in climate activities in Germany.