Displaying 161 - 180 of 457

A passionate Korean feminist and ecumenist

At the most glorious moment in her career, Rev. Prof. Dr Sang Chang discovered that society is not always friendly and that politics can be devilish. But thanks to God, she got over it. Without bitterness and even more determined in her fight for gender equality and social justice.

Une Coréenne féministe et œcuméniste convaincue

Alors qu’elle vivait le moment le plus glorieux de sa carrière, la pasteure Sang Chang prit conscience que la société ne rime pas toujours avec bienveillance et que la politique peut s’avérer diabolique. Mais grâce à Dieu, elle s’en est remise. Sans amertume et plus que jamais déterminée dans sa lutte pour l’égalité des sexes et la justice sociale.

Young peoples movement strengthens influence

After three intense days with deep discussions and productive sessions, the bi-annual meeting of the World Council of Churches (WCC) ECHOS Commission came to an end on Thursday. Fourteen young committee members and staff from 20 different countries all over the world had gathered in Seoul, Korea to further strengthen the WCC young peoples movement and continue the pilgrimage of justice and peace.

분단의 땅에서 희망의 여정을 걷다

세계교회협의회(WCC)의 회원 교회와 협력 단체 소속의 국내외 기독 청년 80여명은 지난 토요일 1953년 정전협정 이래 한반도 분단의 상징이 된 비무장지대(DMZ)를 방문하며 한국에서 진행된 ‘정의와 평화 순례’를 이어나갔다.

Cheminer en terre de division et d’espoir

Samedi, plus de 80 jeunes venus d’Églises membres et de partenaires du COE du monde entier poursuivent leur pèlerinage de justice et de paix en Corée, dans la zone démilitarisée qui divise la péninsule coréenne depuis 1953.

ECHOS Commission Meeting

06 - 15 August 2019

The peace pilgrimage in Seoul will be followed by a three-day meeting with the ECHOS Commission on Youth during which commissioners will stake out plans for the WCC programme.

The pilgrimage and the ECHOS meeting will be complemented by the worldwide yearly Prayer for the Peaceful Reunification of the Korean Peninsula on 11 August and the Ecumenical International Youth Day at the Ecumenical Centre in Geneva on 12 August.


In Korea, youth prepare to raise their voices for peace

From 6-12 August, young people from all over the world will meet in Korea and embark on a Pilgrimage of Justice and Peace, as their counterparts at the World Council of Churches (WCC) in Geneva walk alongside them, thousands of miles away but side-by-side in spirit.

En Corée, la jeunesse se prépare à faire entendre sa voix pour la paix

Du 9 au 12 août, des jeunes du monde entier se retrouveront en Corée et entreprendront le pèlerinage de justice et de paix. Ils seront rejoints par leurs homologues au Conseil œcuménique des Églises (COE) à Genève qui chemineront avec eux, à leurs côtés en pensée, à des milliers de kilomètres de là.

Asian Ecumenical Institute to train next generation of leaders

Twenty-seven young ecumenists from across Asia are currently attending the month-long Asian Ecumenical Institute organized by the Christian Conference of Asia. The programme aims to provide ecumenical formation and leadership development training for prospective church and ecumenical leaders. It is being held at the Christian Conference of Asia headquarters in Payap University Campus in Chiang Mai, Thailand.

Applications open for WCC Eco-School 2019 for Asia on Water, Food and Climate Justice

The third edition of the World Council of Churches (WCC) Eco-School on Water, Food and Climate Justice will be held 4-17 November 2019 in Chiang Mai, Thailand, hosted by the Christian Conference of Asia. This year, the Eco-School will focus on Asia and therefore only open to Asians. Deadline for applications for WCC Eco-School 2019 for Asia on Water, Food and Climate Justice extended to 31 July 2019.