Displaying 221 - 240 of 365

GETI students plant trees, in service for greener future

In a symbolic event dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the World Council of Churches (WCC), students of the Global Ecumenical Theological Institute (GETI) 2018 planted 12 trees at Tumaini University Makumira, Arusha, Tanzania on 7 March.

Bossey commended by University of Geneva

Through a ceremony on 26 January, the Ecumenical Institute at Bossey saw 21 students from 20 countries and 10 denominations embark on a future of ecumenical work in their respective home countries and contexts.

WCC internship programme: A unique opportunity to learn and engage

The WCC invites applications of church-engaged youth to undertake an internship with the council at the Ecumenical Centre in Geneva in 2018. With application deadline 15 March, available work areas include Communication, Health and Healing, Just Community of Women and Men, and Commission of the Churches on International Affairs.

Junge Erwachsene auf dem europäischen Jugendtreffen Taizé-Basel 2017/18

Junge Erwachsene aus mehr als 60 Ländern haben sich in Basel vom 28. Dezember bis zum 1. Januar zum 40. Europäischen Taizé-Treffen für junge Erwachsene versammelt. Als Teil einer neuen Etappe des Pilgerwegs des Vertrauens auf der Erde fand dieses Treffen zum ersten Mal in einer trinationalen Region statt (Schweiz, Deutschland, Frankreich).

Youth gather in Basel for Taizé pilgrimage

Young adults from more than 60 countries gathered in Basel for the 40th annual Taizé European Meeting of Young Adults from 28 December - 1 January. As part of a new stage of the Pilgrimage of Trust on Earth, the meeting took place for the first time in a tri-national region (Switzerland, Germany, France).

WCC invites youth to Stewards Programme for 2018 Central Committee

The WCC invites ecumenical youth to be stewards at the 2018 Central Committee in Geneva, Switzerland. With application deadline 31 January, the Stewards Programme aims to bring together a dynamic and diverse group of 20 young people from all over the world from 5-23 June 2018.

Ökumenischer Kurs verknüpft Theologie und Wirtschaft

Um innerhalb der Kirchen die Wirtschaftskompetenz zu fördern, fand vom 21. August bis 1. September in Lusaka (Sambia) das zweite Ökumenische Seminar für Leitung, Wirtschaft und Management im Dienst einer Ökonomie des Lebens (GEM School) statt.

GEM School: integrating theology and economics

With the aim of building competency in economics within churches, the second Ecumenical School on Governance, Economics and Management for an Economy of Life (GEM School) was held from 21 August - 1 September in Lusaka, Zambia.

„Berufen von Gott, der uns auf die wichtigste Mission der Verkündigung der frohen Botschaft gesandt hat“

Vom 17. bis zum 20. August hat sich die Kommission für Jugend in der ökumenischen Bewegung (ECHOS) des Ökumenischen Rates der Kirchen (ÖRK) in Sibiu, Rumänien getroffen, um Einsichten und Erkenntnisse über die Position und die Rolle der Jugend in der heutigen ökumenischen Bewegung zu gewinnen und Orientierung für die Zukunft der Kommission auf ihrem Pilgerweg der Gerechtigkeit und des Friedens zu finden.

Latin American ecumenical gathering to focus on eco-justice and peace building

More than 30 young adults coming from different countries in Latin America and the Caribbean will gather in Colombia to reflect and plan actions on eco-justice and peace building. “Young people for Eco-Justice and Peace: The challenge that we accept” will be organized by the World Student Christian Federation in Latin America and the Caribbean (WSCF – LAC), a partner of the World Council of Churches (WCC), in Barranquilla, from 15-18 August.

African youth takes stand at first ever WCC Eco-School

“It is imperative for churches to invest in the youth of Africa so they can take leadership in addressing these issues in the timeframe of the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals”, said Prof. Dr Isabel Phiri, World Council of Churches (WCC) deputy general secretary for Diakonia and Public Witness as she spoke to young people attending the first-ever WCC Eco-School in Blantyre, Malawi.

Ein sicherer Ort für sündige Menschen, um sich zu ändern und Schmerz zu teilen

Die Kirche muss ein sicherer Ort sein, an dem sündige Menschen aufgenommen werden, um aus ihren Fehlern zu lernen und sich zu ändern, und an dem diejenigen, denen Wunden zugefügt wurden, ihren Schmerz teilen und eine Zuflucht finden können, sagt Maria Dous, Medizinstudentin aus Ägypten. Im Juli nahm sie an einem Seminar teil, das vom Ökumenischen Netzwerks zur Stärkung von Frauen afrikanischer Herkunft (PAWEEN) veranstaltet wurde.

A safe space for sinners to change and for pain to be shared

Church must be a safe place where sinners are welcome to learn and change, and where the wounded can share their pains and find refuge, says Maria Dous, a medical student from Egypt. In July, she participated in a seminar organized by the Pan African Women’s Ecumenical Empowerment Network at the WCC's Ecumenical Institute Bossey.

Young leaders share passion and courage in diverse traditions

On 18-19 July, 35 young leaders from 14 countries across Asia – part of the World Council of Churches' (WCC) Youth in Asia Training in Religious Amity (YATRA) – travelled to the Indonesian city of Bandung to meet with faith leaders and young activists engaged in interreligious dialogue and work.

Interreligious youth training programme adopts online learning component

The World Council of Churches' (WCC) popular YATRA (Youth in Asia Training for Religious Amity) programme has a new online learning component that adds four weeks of intensive training to two weeks of residential learning. When 35 young men and women from 14 different countries meet at the Jakarta Theological Seminary in Indonesia on 8 July, they will already have a familiarity with the major religious traditions found in Asia, thanks to their online studies.