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Nordic churches meet with WCC for a look at horizon of hope

Leaders from Nordic churches—including the Church of Sweden and the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Denmark—met with World Council of Churches (WCC) leadership and staff on 28 April, discussing preparations for the WCC 11th Assembly as well as directions for the next decade.

Webinar addresses churches, migration and integration in Denmark

The Migrant Network of the Evangelical-Lutheran Church in Denmark has started a series of webinars about church, migration and integration. The perspective is how to grow an international church in Denmark, and the discussion also centers on the global Christian fellowship.

Grönlands geschätzte Predigerin

Auch wenn sie ihren Beruf und ihren Job liebt, wäre Bischöfin Sofie Petersen manchmal wirklich lieber anderswo als in ihrem kleinen gemütlichen Bischofsbüro in Nuuk (Grönland). Am liebsten wäre sie dann draußen in der Natur, würde gerne die frische arktische Luft einatmen und die bezaubernde Landschaft bewundern, in der gewaltige Eisbären umherstreifen und mächtige Wale majestätisch die frostigen Küstengewässer voller Eisschollen durchpflügen.

Greenland’s grand Gospel preacher

Although she loves what she is doing, there are times when bishop Sofie Petersen feels a strong desire to be someplace else than inside her cosy diocesan office in Nuuk, Greenland. Preferably outdoors, inhaling crisp, arctic air in a stunningly beautiful landscape where mighty polar bears roam and huge whales gently plough their way through the ice-scattered waters along the coastline.

Eine tief in ihrer Heimat verwurzelte Lehrerin und Predigerin

Es ist ein heller und frischer Sonntagmorgen Mitte Mai in Ilulissat an der Westküste Grönlands, mehr als 300 km nördlich des Polarkreises. Wie immer ist das Meer übersät mit glitzernden Eisbergen unterschiedlicher Größen und Formen. An diesem Morgen haben sich im Ilulissat-Eisfjord – wie fast täglich zu dieser Jahreszeit – einige neue dieser Eisriesen formiert, die der Grönland-Eisschild gekalbt hat und die jetzt in der Diskobucht vor der Zionskirche treiben, einem der beiden Gotteshäuser der Kirche Grönlands in Ilulissat. Errichtet im Jahre 1779, ist dieses dunkelbraune, aus Holz gebaute Schmuckstück die älteste Kirche im Land und seit jeher ein Treffpunkt für die einheimische Bevölkerung.

A deeply rooted teacher and preacher

It is a bright and crisp Sunday morning in mid-May in Ilulissat on Greenland’s west coast, more than 300 kilometres north of the Arctic circle. As usual, the sea is scattered with glittering icebergs in different shapes and sizes. This morning, like most mornings this time of the year, new formations of frozen water, calved from the Greenland icecap at the bottom of Ilulissat Icefjord, have made their way out into the Disko Bay and shaped up right in front of Zion Church, one of Church of Greenland’s two churches in use in Ilulissat. Built in 1779, this dark-brown wooden jewel is the oldest church in the country and a natural meeting place for locals.

A humble servant in God’s herd

When he was asked last year to take over as vicar in the parish of Ilulissat, on Greenland’s west coast, Loqqi Fleischer was a bit anxious about how the transition from his smaller hometown Uummannaq, further north along the coastline, would work out. Nevertheless, he took on the challenge and was warmly welcomed right away in the new environment.

A worried but hopeful man

People still often refer to him as “the cop”, when he walks down the streets. Working as a police officer for 14 years has made John Johansen, a familiar face in his hometown Nuuk, Greenland’s capital. Ordained in 2015, he was promoted last year to lead the deanery of mid Greenland, one of three deaneries within the diocese of Greenland, and its largest in terms of population and church members.

“There are no spare parts for whales”

It is midnight and the sun just about hides for a little while beneath the horizon. The calm sea is scattered with icebergs in all kinds of shapes and sizes. Some are like five-story buildings, with vertical sharp-edged walls rising high above the surface. Others are more like snow-capped hilltops, slowly ploughing through the blank water.

Traumatische Erfahrungen verarbeiten, Wunden heilen

In Grönland ist Konfirmationszeit. In den Kirchen im Land werden die Bankreihen im Kirchenschiff mit Blumen und Kerzen geschmückt. Eine freudige Erwartung ist zu spüren, und für die große Mehrheit der 14-jährigen ist die Zeit gekommen, ihre christliche Taufe bestätigen zu lassen.

Dealing with traumas and healing of wounds

It is confirmation season in Greenland. In churches across the country, bench rows are decorated with flowers and candles along the aisle. Joy is in the air and it is time for a vast majority of 14-year-olds to have their Christian baptism confirmed.

Greenland church life and climate challenges featured in new series

In Greenland, travel by either air or boat is the conventional – and only – way of getting from place to place. The distances between populated areas scattered along the rugged coastline of the world’s largest island are long and there are no roads connecting cities and settlements. Neither railways nor inland waterways exist and some rural areas can only be reached by helicopter. In winter, dog-sled is an alternative, particularly in the north and east.

ÖRK/UN-Konferenz fordert koordiniertes Handeln in der Flüchtlingskrise

Im Anschluss an die hochrangige ÖRK/UN-Konferenz über die Flüchtlingskrise in Europa, die am 18. und 19. Januar im Ökumenischen Zentrum in Genf stattgefunden hat, wurde eine Erklärung mit dem Titel „Europas Reaktion auf die Flüchtlings- und Migrantenkrise, von den Ursprungsorten über die Durchgangsstationen bis zur Aufnahme und Zuflucht: ein Aufruf zu gemeinsamer Verantwortung und koordiniertem Handeln“ herausgegeben.