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The cry of the Papuans in Indonesia

The World Council of Churches (WCC) continues to amplify the voice of the indigenous Papuans in Indonesia, who are oppressed by racism and discrimination.

Concerned about the escalating crisis of violence, racism and discrimination against indigenous Papuans in Indonesia, a side event co-sponsored by the WCC was convened during a fall session of the UN Human Rights Council to discuss patterns that are oppressing and displacing Papuans.

Ein Streiter für Familienwerte, berufen von Gott

Als Kenneth Ben in den sechziger und siebziger Jahren aufwuchs, wurde am Anfang und am Ende jedes Tages ein Gebet gesprochen. Sein Vater war Pastor und hatte eine Kanzel zu Hause. Seine Eltern richteten ihr gesamtes Leben an christlichen Werten aus. Ben lernte ebenfalls früh die Bedeutung einer großen Familie kennen, zu der auch die Großeltern und andere Verwandte gehörten.

An advocate for family values, called by God

When Kenneth Ben grew up in the sixties and seventies each day started and ended with a prayer. His father, who was a pastor, had a pulpit in the home and his parents built a lifestyle around Christian values. Ben also learned early on the value of an extended family, where grandparents and relatives are included.

Young theologian calls for revolutionary reform of mission

“Is our notion of discipleship inclusive of those who exist in the marginal spaces of our world?”, asked Adi Mariana Waqa, the keynote speaker of a plenary on the theme of mission from the margins at the Conference on World Mission and Evangelism (CWME).

"I hit the ground running": Katalina Tahaafe-Williams

Two major crises have marked the months since the WCC called Katalina Tahaafe-Williams to work in Geneva on its migration, indigenous, and multicultural ministry programmes. When she took up the job in October, the European refugee crisis was in full flow. Then in November, terrorists attacked Paris.

It is time to talk about the rights of "climate refugees"

The international tug-of-war over carbon emission thresholds and other instruments meant to limit the deterioration of the earth's climate has caused a big stir in recent months, but yielded little results. Therefore the international community must now get ready to take care of those who will be forced from their homes by climate change.