Displaying 1 - 20 of 37

5th Annual Symposium on the Role of Religion and Faith Based Organizations in International Affairs

29 January 2019

On Tuesday, 29 January 29 2019, the Fifth Annual Symposium on the Role of Religion and Faith-based Organizations in International Affairs will focus on financing for sustainable development and build on this vision of an economy of life as the flourishing of all life. Panel discussions will consider the broad issues of economic justice as addressed in the course of human rights-based development, governance and accountability in the global financial architecture, the implications for environmental sustainability, gender justice and financing social protection.

Conference Room 2, United Nations secretariat, New York

At CSW62, “stories are the heartbeat”

Dr Ulysses Burley III is serving as a WCC delegate to the 62nd Commission on the Status of Women at the United Nations in New York City (CSW62), being held 12-23 March. Dr Burley, from Chicago, is a member of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. He currently serves on the WCC-Ecumenical Advocacy Alliance HIV Access to Treatment Working Group.

Re-engineering life forms: Church forum raises concerns

“What do we have the right to manipulate in creation?” The question is at the heart of a Canadian Quaker’s commitment to the process of encouraging member churches of the World Council of Churches (WCC) to reflect on scientific experiments in modifying life forms known as “synthetic biology”.

Responsible agriculture investments theme of WCC session

Promoting responsible agricultural investments was the theme of a session organised by the WCC at the Civil Society Policy Forum of the World Bank Group-International Monetary Fund Annual Meetings held in Washington DC from 9-13 October. “There is no doubt we need to invest more in agriculture – it feeds us all and remains an important source of employment, especially for the world’s poor,” said Athena Peralta, WCC programme executive for economic and ecological justice.

“Good healthcare a right, not a privilege,” says WCC-EAA

The World Council of Churches - Ecumenical Advocacy Alliance endorses a newly expanded collaboration on HIV between the Medicine Patent Pool and Gilead. On 4 October, the MPP announced a licence with Gilead Sciences for bictegravir, a new integrase inhibitor part of a once-daily, single-tablet HIV regimen currently filed for regulatory approval at the United States Food and Drug Administration and the European Union.

Redesigning the Tree of Life: Synthetic Biology and the Future of Food

02 - 04 November 2017

Organized by the World Council of Churches and the Canadian Council of Churches on 2-4 November, in Toronto, Canada, "Redesigning the Tree of Life" is intended as a participatory learning conference, informed by expert presentations, with time to build relationships and shared learning that make future shared work possible.

Toronto, Canada

Glaube auf der Überholspur – für Kinder mit HIV

Glaubensgestützte Organisationen stehen im Zentrum einer besonderen Aufgabe: einen Aufruf zum Handeln veröffentlichen – um Säuglingen, Kindern und Jugendlichen auf der ganzen Welt HIV-Prävention, ­-Tests und -Therapie zugänglich zu machen.

G20-Gipfel in Hamburg: Aufruf zu Friedensgebet

Während am Freitag die politische Führungsriege der G20-Staaten sich in Hamburg versammelte um globale Wirschafts-, Gesellschafts-, Umwelt- und Politikfragen zu diskutieren, riefen die Kirchen zum gemeinsamen Friedensgebet in Deutschland und weltweit auf.

G20 summit: call to pray for peace in Hamburg

Friday evening when the leaders of the G20 states will be meeting in Hamburg and discussing global economic, social, environmental and political issues, the churches in Germany are inviting people in Germany and all over the world to a common peace prayer.

G7-Gipfel muss etwas gegen die Hungersnot unternehmen

Es wird noch lange nicht genügend getan, um das Leben der 20 Millionen Menschen zu retten, die in Ländern wie Jemen, Somalia, Südsudan und Nigeria von einer Hungerkatastrophe bedroht werden. Davon betroffen sind auch 1,4 Millionen Kinder, die unmittelbar vom Hungertod bedroht sind, wenn ihnen nicht sofort geholfen wird.

G7 must address famine

Not nearly enough is being done to save the lives of the 20 million people who face famine in Yemen, Somalia, South Sudan and Nigeria. Among them are 1.4 million children, who are at imminent risk of death unless aid reaches them immediately.

UN discussion focuses on women, HIV and property rights

“She is HIV positive too. No need to inherit her late husband’s title deed. She will die soon and leave it anyway.”

These man’s thoughts during his brother’s funeral were used by Jane Ng’ang’a, national coordinator, International Network of Religious Leaders Living with or Personally Affected by HIV (INERELA+) Kenya Chapter, to push the debate on property and inheritance rights linked to HIV. The discussion was held during the 61st Session of the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women (CSW), on 16 March, at the headquarters of UNAIDS, in New York.

HIV and AIDS and Property Rights - Overcoming Barriers to Women's Economic Empowerment

16 March 2017

This interactive panel will focus on the impact that HIV has on a woman’s right to own and manage property. Panelists will address stigma and discrimination toward women living with HIV, including deprivation or dispossession of property rights, and they will share best practices and potential pathways to promote and protect women’s economic equality.

UNAIDS New York Office