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In a COVID-stricken world, “everyone is important”

A webinar held 22 October gave space for persons with disabilities to share their reflections. Entitled “From Lamentation to Transformation,” the event, first in a series of webinars on COVID-19 perspectives, highlighted hope through stories, practical support, and social change as experienced by persons with disabilities.

Mission and people with disabilities

How much is the mission of the church related to people with disabilities? These days we talk a lot about inclusive societies and churches. But, have we arrived there? Are our societies and churches taking seriously the problems and challenges that people with disabilities face on a daily basis? People with disabilities find themselves quite often at the margins of the societies and even of the churches.

Tagung in Kenia stellt Weichen für die Inklusion von Menschen mit Behinderungen in Entwicklungsprojekten

50 Kirchenleitende und Fachleute für Entwicklungsarbeit sowie Organisationen für Menschen mit Behinderungen in Kenia, Tansania und Uganda haben vom 9.-13. Oktober auf einer Tagung in Nairobi, Kenia ihre Erfahrungen mit der Inklusion von Menschen mit Behinderungen in kirchlichen Entwicklungsprojekten ausgetauscht und Strategien erkundet, um die Inklusion dieser Personen bei der Umsetzung der Ziele der nachhaltigen Entwicklung (SDGs) zu gewährleisten. Die Veranstaltung wurde vom Ökumenischen Aktionsbündnis von und für Menschen mit Behinderungen (ÖRK-EDAN) im Rahmen des Projekts Behinderteninklusion in Entwicklungsprojekten organisiert.

Kenya gathering focuses on including persons with disabilities in development

Fifty church development practitioners and leaders as well as organisations for persons with disabilities in Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda met in Nairobi, Kenya from 9-13 October to share their experiences on disability inclusion in church development programmes and to explore strategies to ensure inclusion of persons with disabilities in the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals. The meeting was organised by WCC Ecumenical Disability Advocates Network Project on Disability Inclusion in Development.