Displaying 1 - 20 of 44

Women’s wellness and mental health as part of the mission of the church – a wounded healer’s balm

I received a call from a friend of mine - we both work as medical doctors and had earlier realised that our husbands, who are ministers in the Methodist Church of Southern Africa, had been friends for years —this is one of the reasons that drew us to each other.  She had been attending the February meeting of the Methodist Womens Prayer and Service Union (Manyano), Connexional Extended Executive Meeting. My friend said that the general president, Gretta Makhwenkwe, had appointed us to the Wellness Committee.

Right Rev. Dr Emily Onyango has a message for young people: “God is on your side”

Right Rev. Dr Emily Onyango, assistant bishop, Anglican Diocese of Bondo, Kenya, was ordained in 1987—the second woman priest ordained in all of east Africa—and appointed as assistant bishop in 2021. She also serves as a lecturer for St Pauls University. Below, she reflects on her path to becoming a church leader, the resistance she encountered, and her message to young people today.

South Africans draw hope despite recurring challenges

Gender-based violence and attacks on foreign nationals in South Africa have left communities wondering where to turn. In a visit of solidarity, a World Council of Churches (WCC) Pilgrim Team visited the nation from 7-12 December.

ÖRK-Delegation trifft sich mit Südafrikas Präsident Ramaphosa

Am 9. Dezember hat sich eine Delegation unter der Leitung von Pastor Dr. Olav Fykse Tveit, Generalsekretär des Ökumenischen Rates der Kirchen (ÖRK), mit dem südafrikanischen Präsidenten Cyril Ramaphosa und Mitgliedern seines Kabinetts in Johannesburg in Südafrika getroffen.

On the eve of “16 Days”, churches in Nairobi launch Thursdays in Black

While lighting candles at a gathering of the All Africa Conference of Churches in Nairobi, church leaders, members of the civil society and youth on Monday launched Thursdays in Black, the global movement calling for resistance to attitudes and practices that permit rape and violence.

Unveiling the campaign, Archbishop Timothy Ndambuki, an African Brotherhood Church leader who is the chairman of the National Council of Churches of Kenya, urged churches to hear and give compassion to women suffering violence without asking questions.