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كلمات الصمود يُسمع صداها من تحت الأنقاض

"لن نخرج من غزة وفيها كنيسة واقفة"

"لن نكون آخر المسيحيين الساكنين في غزة"

"لقد فقدنا كل شيء، لكننا لن نفقد رسالتنا وانتمائنا إلى هذا المكان الغالي على قلوبنا"

"بدأت المسيحية من هنا، وهنا ستستمر" 

كانت هذه هي الكلمات التي يرددها الناس بينما يحاول نادر أبو عمشا، وهو المدير التنفيذي لدائرة خدمة اللّاجئين الفلسطينيّين في مجلس كنائس الشرق الأوسط (DSPR-MECC)، مساعدتهم على البقاء على قيد الحياة فحسب حتى اليوم التالي.

Words of steadfastness ring from the rubble

We won’t leave Gaza as long as there is a standing church.” 

We will not be the last Christians living in Gaza.” “

We lost everything, but we can’t lose our mission and our belonging to this place dear to our hearts.”

Christianity started here and will continue to be here.”  

These are the words people are uttering as Nader Abu Amsha, executive director of Department of Services to Palestinian Refugees of the Middle East Council of Churches (DSPR-MECC), tries to help them simply survive the next day. 

Women and children in Gaza bearing brunt of ongoing war

Women and children in Gaza are bearing the heavy brunt of the ongoing war, according to reports from the United Nations, with close to a million women and girls displaced and 12,882 women and children already perished in a war that has now raged for more than 100 days.

Violence against Palestinians is rising in the West Bank

Despite the war, security concerns, and travel restrictions, the World Council of Churches (WCC) Ecumenical Accompaniment Programme for Palestine and Israel and the WCC Jerusalem Office continue to operate. Ecumenical accompaniers have observed increasing violence against Palestinians in the West Bank since October 7. 

Syrian Orthodox Church of Antioch marks 15th centennial jubilee of Mor Philoxenus of Maboug (523-2023)

In July 2021, I shared a blog with all of you, as my church, the Syrian Orthodox Church of Antioch and all the East marks the 1500 Jubilee Year of Mor Jacob de Serugh (St Jacob of Serugh) a great Syriac Poet, who religiously articulated theological doctrines for monks to fight heresies.  He employed poetry to formulate pure and clear theological teaching using Biblical evidence. 

Ecumenism in the Philippines means hope and resilience

As the World Council of Churches celebrates its 75th anniversary, a series of feature stories from different regions of the world will portray ecumenism at the local level—within churches, communities, and individuals who embody the spirit of ecumenism in unique ways. The feature story below offers a glimpse of some facets of ecumenism present in the Philippines.

المرافقة المسكونية تساعد الناس على الشعور بالأمان في فلسطين وإسرائيل

"ابتعد الجنود لأنكم كنتم تشاهدون ما يحدث"

"أستطيع أن أرعى الأغنام بالقرب من القاعدة العسكرية لأني أشعر بالأمان بوجود المرافقين المسكونيين، ومضايقات المستوطنين تصبح أقل بكثير عند وجودكم في الجوار"

"نحن نشعر بالأمان بحضور المرافقين المسكونيين"