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Bericht der Cambridge-Konsultation zu Tradition und Traditionen

Vierundzwanzig Personen kamen im Westminster College in Cambridge zur ersten einer Reihe von Konsultationen zusammen, die zu dem Thema „Tradition und Traditionen“ veranstaltet werden. Ziel dieser Tagung war es, aufbauend auf der vom ÖRK in den 1960er Jahren begonnenen Arbeit und mit speziellem Augenmerk auf den Kirchenlehrern und Glaubenszeugen der Alten Kirche die Möglichkeit zu untersuchen, einige besondere Quellen der Autorität zu entdecken, wiederzuentdecken oder ganz neu zu rezipieren, die uns auf unserem gemeinsamen Weg zur Einheit der Kirche voranbringen könnten.

Commission on Faith and Order

Cambridge report on Tradition and traditions

Twenty four participants gathered at Westminster College in Cambridge to engage in the first of a series of consultations under the title of Tradition and traditions. The aim of the meeting was to build on the work begun by the WCC in the 1960s and, by paying particular attention to the teachers and witnesses of the early church, to explore further the possibility of discovering, re-discovering or re-receiving some particular sources of authority which might help us together on the way to the unity of the church.

Commission on Faith and Order

09 Gottesdienst und Hintergrundmaterialien

Gemeinsam vorbereitet und veröffentlicht vom Päpstlichen Rat zur Förderung der Einheit der Christen und der ÖRK-Kommission für Glauben und Kirchenverfassung. Die deutschsprachige Fassung der Gottesdienstordnung für Deutschland, Österreich und die Schweiz wird von der Arbeitsgemeinschaft Christlicher Kirchen (ACK) durch die Ökumenische Centrale in Frankfurt am Main erstellt und herausgegeben.

Commission on Faith and Order

2009 Worship and background material

Jointly prepared and published by the Pontifical Council for Christian Unity and the Commission on Faith and Order of the World Council of Churches.

The Week of Prayer for Christian Unity 2009 is rooted in the experience of the churches in Korea. In their context of national division the churches have turned for inspiration to the prophet Ezekiel, who also lived in a tragically divided nation and longed for the unity of his people.

Commission on Faith and Order

A theological reflection on cruelty - the ugly face of violence

Exploring responses in faith to institutionally and structurally embedded cruelty was the purpose of the theological consultation on cruelty that took place in Puidoux, Switzerland during December 5-8, 2006. Organized by the WCC and the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA), this gathering focused on cultures, traditions as well as social, economical and political structures that are themselves cruel, as well as creating an ethos that "enables" people to become cruel. Twelve case studies from different contexts and perspectives provided the basis for the debate. Some of these are about racism, casteism, patriarchy, xenophobia, terrorism and counter-terrorism, torture of prisoners, genocide, rape and sex trafficking, and occupation. Papers from this consultation will be published in 2008.

Commission on Faith and Order

08 Gottesdienst und Hintergrundmaterialien

Gemeinsam vorbereitet und veröffentlicht vom Päpstlichen Rat zur Förderung der Einheit der Christen und der ÖRK-Kommission für Glauben und Kirchenverfassung. Die deutschsprachige Fassung der Gottesdienstordnung für Deutschland, Österreich und die Schweiz wird von der Arbeitsgemeinschaft Christlicher Kirchen (ACK) durch die Ökumenische Centrale in Frankfurt am Main erstellt und herausgegeben.

Thema und Textauswahl für die Ökumenische Gebetswoche 2008 kommen aus den USA.

Commission on Faith and Order

Textos para a Semana de Oração pela Unidade dos Cristãos e para todo o ano 2008

A passagem bíblica escolhida para a celebração do centésimo aniversário da Semana de Oração pela Unidade dos Cristãos é extraída da 1ª Carta aos Tessalonicenses. A celebração proposta nos lembra a convicção religiosa americana, profundamente enraizada no poder da oração.

This year's theme for the week of prayer was chosen in the USA. The initial draft of material represents the working relationship between the Graymoor Ecumenical & Interreligious Institute, the NCCCUSA, the USCCB and the Interchurch Center in their annual efforts in the United States to promote the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity. All those involved have taken special note of the 100th anniversary of the Church Unity Octave first observed at Graymoor, in Garrison, New York, from 18-25 January 1908. The preparation of the theme and texts celebrate the history of 100 years of prayer while calling for a reinvigoration of the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity, hence the theme, ‘Pray without ceasing'.

Commission on Faith and Order

Frequently asked questions about the date of Easter

In 2007 Christians from all traditions will celebrate Easter on the same day, April 8. But in many years major Christian traditions celebrate Easter on different dates, thus giving the impression of a divided witness to this fundamental aspect of the Christian faith. In recent years the desire to find a common date for the celebration of Easter, the Holy Pascha, the feast of Christ's resurrection, has become more and urgent. Initiatives by the Faith and Order Commission of the World Council of Churches have urged churches to address this issue. This page seeks to provide some answers to frequent questions asked about the date of Easter.

Commission on Faith and Order

Berufen, die eine Kirche zu sein (Der Porto Alegre Ekklesiologie-Text)

Dieser kurze Text (ca. 2500 Wörter) wurde von den Mitgliedskirchen des ÖRK auf der Vollversammlung in Porto Alegre (Februar 2006) als Grundlage für ihre erneuerte Verpflichtung zur Suche nach sichtbarer Einheit angenommen. Er lädt die Kirchen zu neuen Gesprächen über die Qualität ihrer Gemeinschaft und über die Fragen ein, die sie weiterhin trennen. Diese Gespräche sollen im Geist des Miteinanders, aber auch der Offenheit und kritischen Auseinandersetzung erfolgen. Die ÖRK-Mitgliedskirchen werden um eine offizielle Stellungnahme bis zur nächsten Vollversammlung gebeten; auch Studiengruppen und Einzelne werden eingeladen, Stellung zu beziehen.

Commission on Faith and Order

Called to be the One Church (The Porto Alegre Ecclesiology Text)

Called to be the One Church (The Porto Alegre Ecclesiology Text)
This concise text (about 2,300 words) was adopted by WCC member churches at the Porto Alegre Assembly (February, 2006) as a basis for their renewed commitment to the search for visible unity. It invites the churches into a renewed conversation - mutually supportive, yet open and searching - about the quality of their fellowship and communion, and about the issues which still divide them. WCC member churches are asked to respond officially to the text by the next WCC Assembly; study groups and individuals are also invited to offer comments and reactions.

Commission on Faith and Order

Participating in God's Mission of Reconciliation - A Resource for Churches in Situations of Conflict

This text (Faith and Order Paper no. 201) results from the study on Ethnic Identity, National Identity, and the Search for the Unity of the Church done by Faith and Order with the collaboration of the WCC's Justice, Peace and Creation team. It offers resources for churches in situations of tension or conflict, especially where ethnic and national tensions are major factors, and suggests how Christian unity can further the churches' witness for reconciliation and justice.

Commission on Faith and Order

Wesen und Auftrag der Kirche - Ein Schritt auf dem Weg zu einer gemeinsamen Auffassung

Hauptziel dieser Studie ist es, das zum Ausdruck zu bringen, was die Kirchen zum jetzigen Zeitpunkt zu Wesen und Auftrag der Kirche gemeinsam sagen können, und innerhalb dieser Übereinstimmung zu untersuchen, in welchem Maße die die Kirchen weiterhin trennenden Fragen überwunden werden können.
Bei dem vorangegangenen Text Taufe, Eucharistie und Amt lief der Prozess auf einen Text hinaus, der als eine Konvergenzerklärung verstanden werden konnte. Der vorliegende Text soll den Kirchen erlauben, erste Schritte auf dem Weg zur Feststellung einer solchen Konvergenz zu machen, wie sie sich mittlerweile in einem multilateralen Kontext herausgebildet hat.

Commission on Faith and Order

The Nature and Mission of the Church - A Stage on the Way to a Common Statement

This extended text (about 18,000 words) was published in December 2005 and is the latest result from Faith and Order's study on Ecclesiology. It seeks to express common convictions about the church, its nature and mission, and to identify the ecclesiological issues which continue to divide the churches today. The text has been sent officially to the churches for evaluation and response; study groups and individuals are also invited to offer comments and reactions. This text replaces the previous study document The Nature and Purpose of the Church (Faith and Order Paper no. 181, issued in 1998).

Commission on Faith and Order

Celebrations of the Eucharist in Ecumenical Contexts - A Proposal

Dieser inoffizielle Text enthält Vorschläge für die Planung eucharistischer Gottesdienste in ökumenischen Kontexten, die von einer Reihe von Liturgen/innen, Theologen/innen und Pfarrern/innen auf eigene Initiative und Verantwortung zusammengestellt worden sind. Der Text wurde von einer Arbeitsgruppe im Rahmen einer Konsultation ausgearbeitet, die von Glauben und Kirchenverfassung und dem Ökumenischen Institut Bossey zur Reflexion über die zehnjährigen Erfahrungen der Kirchen mit der inoffiziellen

Commission on Faith and Order

Celebrations of the Eucharist in Ecumenical Contexts - A Proposal

In this unofficial text a number of liturgists, theologians and pastors propose, on their own initiative and responsibility, guidelines for those engaged in planning eucharistic worship to be held in an ecumenical context. The text was produced by a working group at a consultation held by Faith and Order and the Ecumenical Institute, Bossey to reflect on the churches' 10 years experience in using the unofficial "Lima Liturgy".

Commission on Faith and Order

Affirming human dignity, rights of peoples and the integrity of creation - Rwanda, 2004

As part of the WCC's work on the Decade , this theological consultation, organized by WCC Faith and Order in Kigali, Rwanda (4-9 December 2004), was an attempt to discern what human dignity, rights of peoples and the integrity of creation mean for churches and the ecumenical movement as they attempt to counter the reality of massive abuse and destruction of life and its legitimization in the world today. It was also an attempt to do theology informed by the perspectives and experiences of the victims of violence.

Commission on Faith and Order

Realizing mutuality and interdependence in a world of diverse identities

A group of 20 theologians and peace activists from regions which have come to be known for violent conflict arising from the aggressive assertion of identities - Sri Lanka, Indonesia, Philippines, DR Congo, Nigeria, Middle East, Eastern Europe - participated in this consultation in June 2005. They attempted to identify the problems in, and prospects for, realizing mutuality and interdependence in contexts of diverse identities in an effort to challenge the churches to consider this as a contribution to the wider movement for peace during the Decade Overcome Violence.

Commission on Faith and Order

Christliche Perspektiven zur theologischen Anthropologie

Dieser Text, der aus der Studie von Glauben und Kirchenverfassung zur theologischen Anthropologie hervorgegangen ist, beschäftigt sich mit der Frage, vor welchen Herausforderungen das traditionelle Verständnis vom Menschen, der "nach dem Bilde Gottes geschaffen" ist, steht. Er gelangt zu zehn gemeinsamen Aussagen, die als Grundlage für die gemeinsame Reflexion und Aktion der Kirchen in Situationen, in denen Wert und Würde des Menschen bedroht sind, vorgelegt werden.

Commission on Faith and Order