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Statement by the Circle of Concerned African Women Theologians on "Black Lives Matter" movement

As members of the Circle of Concerned African Women Theologians, our hearts have been torn; our spirits have been deeply stirred; and our faces are drowned in tears, since the throttling of Mr George Floyd, a black man. In broad daylight, in Minneapolis, USA on May 25, 2020, Mr Floyd was handcuffed, pinned down to the hard concrete, while a white policeman pressed his knee on Floyd’s throat for eight minutes, 46 seconds, suffocating him. Floyd pleaded for his life to no avail until he finally succumbed to death.

Ecumenical movement

Erklärung von ÖRK und ACT Alliance zum Weltwassertag 2020 inmitten der COVID-19-Pandemie

Anlässlich des Weltwassertags 2020 und mit großer Besorgnis angesichts des Ernstes der COVID-19-Pandemie und ihrer Auswirkungen auf die Menschen in allen Regionen der Welt, insbesondere die armen, bekräftigen der Ökumenische Rat der Kirchen und ACT Alliance die Verantwortung der Kirchen und glaubensbasierten Organisationen zu gewährleisten, dass Menschen Zugang zu sauberem und erschwinglichem Wasser in ausreichender Menge haben, um ihren Bedarf für Körper und Haushalt zu decken, wozu auch das Händewaschen zählt.

General Secretary

WCC and ACT Alliance statement on World Water Day 2020 amid COVID-19 pandemic

On the occasion of the World Water Day 2020, and with deep concern over the gravity of the COVID-19 pandemic and its consequences on people in all regions of the world, especially the poor, the World Council of Churches and ACT Alliance reaffirm the responsibility of churches and faith-based organisations to ensure that people have access to clean, affordable, sufficient water to meet their physical and domestic needs, including that of hand-washing.

General Secretary