Displaying 661 - 677 of 677

Church leaders on World Environment Day

In a message for World Environment Day, the Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew has stressed that "the care for and protection of Creation constitutes the responsibility of everyone on an individual and collective level."

Migrants, too, have human rights

The myth according to which host countries are "victims" of migration needs to be challenged, as in fact their economies benefit from the exploitation of the migrants' work.

Global economy needs radical changes, WCC team says

Radical changes and tangible commitments from world leaders are needed if an equitable and sustainable global economic system is to be built, says an ecumenical delegation attending a UN conference on financing for development starting tomorrow in Qatar.

Church advocacy in action at the United Nations

After six days of intense discussions on migration, the conflict in Sri Lanka and climate change, of common prayer and practical efforts to make the voice of the churches on these issues heard at the United Nations, the UN Advocacy Week of the World Council of Churches (WCC) ended with good results on Friday.

September 2005

<span style="font-weight: bold; "» How do we share copyrighted worship resources?

January 2005

<span style="font-weight: bold; "» Orthodox pre-Assembly meeting