Displaying 101 - 120 of 167

In rural Kenya, many people face long trek for household water

Like many people brought up in rural Kenya, Catherine Mwangi had a long walk to fetch water for home use from a nearby river in what she calls her “humble upbringing”. For the past seven years, Mwangi has been the executive director ADSMKE (the Anglican Development Services of Mount Kenya East) and water access is an important issue in her work.

UN discussion focuses on women, HIV and property rights

“She is HIV positive too. No need to inherit her late husband’s title deed. She will die soon and leave it anyway.”

These man’s thoughts during his brother’s funeral were used by Jane Ng’ang’a, national coordinator, International Network of Religious Leaders Living with or Personally Affected by HIV (INERELA+) Kenya Chapter, to push the debate on property and inheritance rights linked to HIV. The discussion was held during the 61st Session of the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women (CSW), on 16 March, at the headquarters of UNAIDS, in New York.

Seven weeks of Lent highlight water crisis in Africa

With a prayer service on Ash Wednesday in Sealite Mihret Orthodox cathedral in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, the WCC's Ecumenical Water Network began its annual Lenten campaign “Seven Weeks for Water”. This year during Lent it will raise awareness of water justice issues in Africa.

Tagung in Kenia befasst sich mit Beseitigung der HIV-Stigmatisierung durch Liebe und Dialog

Mehr als 120 religiöse und geistliche Führungspersönlichkeiten, Fachpersonen aus dem Gesundheitsbereich und junge Menschen trafen sich am 7. und 8. Februar in Kenia mit dem Ziel, die Bekämpfung der Stigmatisierung von HIV zu intensivieren. Vertreterinnen und Vertreter der kenianischen Regierung, von zivilgesellschaftlichen Organisationen, Netzwerken von HIV-Betroffenen und Partnern aus der Entwicklungszusammenarbeit nahmen ebenfalls an dem Treffen in Nairobi teil. Das Thema der Tagung lautete „Faith on the Fast Track: Eliminating Stigma and Discrimination Through Love and Dialogue“ (Glaube auf der Überholspur: Stigma und Diskriminierung durch Liebe und Dialog überwinden), und sie beleuchtete die Auswirkungen des Dialograhmens, der seit 2013 in mehreren Ländern existiert. Die Veranstaltung wurde vom kenianischen Zweig des Internationalen Netzwerks religiöser Verantwortungsträger/innen, die HIV-positiv oder persönlich von HIV/AIDS betroffen sind (INERELA+ Kenia) und vom Globalen ökumenischen Aktionsbündnis des Ökumenischen Rates der Kirchen (ÖRK-EAA) organisiert und nebst anderen durch das Programm der Vereinten Nationen für HIV/Aids (UNAIDS) unterstützt.

Gathering in Kenya explores eliminating HIV stigma through love and dialogue

More than 120 religious and spiritual leaders, health workers and young people met on 7-8 February to focus on strengthening the fight against stigma in the HIV response in Kenya. They were joined by representatives from the Kenyan government, civil society organizations, networks of people living with HIV, and development partners for an event in Nairobi. The meeting, “Faith on the Fast Track: Eliminating Stigma and Discrimination Through Love and Dialogue” aimed to assess the impact of the Framework for Dialogue methodology which has been implemented in several countries since 2013.

Food and land justice focus of Mozambique workshop

A workshop in Mozambique examined the connections between finance on the one hand and food and land on the other. Titled “From the Financialization of Food to Life-giving Agriculture,” the workshop took place in Maputo from 7-11 December. It was organized by the WCC together with Bread for All and was hosted by the Christian Council of Mozambique.

Ökumenischer Patriarch: Das Überleben der Schöpfung Gottes steht auf dem Spiel

Wir haben einen weiten Weg zurückgelegt, aber nur wenige echte Fortschritte erzielt, stellte Bartholomäus I, der Ökumenische Patriarch von Konstantinopel in seiner Botschaft an die Mitgliedstaaten der UN-Klimarahmenkonvention (UNFCCC) fest und bezog sich mit dieser Aussage darauf, dass 22 Jahre ein nicht akzeptabler Zeitraum seien, um mit Klimakonventionen auf die Umweltkrise zu reagieren.

Ecumenical Patriarch: Survival of God’s creation is at stake

We have come a long way but have made little progress, stated Bartholomew I, Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople, in his message to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), referring to 22 years of UN conventions as an unacceptably long period to respond to the environmental crisis.

Faith groups march for climate justice

A lively and youthful, but demanding, voice of the faith groups was heard clearly in the streets of Marrakech last Sunday, where a joint group from the ACT Alliance, the Lutheran World Federation and the World Council of Churches (WCC) marched among several thousand activists to demand environmental justice during the United Nations (UN) climate conference COP22.

Faith communities explore concrete climate action at COP22

Joining efforts to explore how to move from dependency on fossil fuel to a sustainable future, faith representatives gathered at the Indonesian Pavilion at COP22 in Marrakech, Morocco on 8 November, for an event hosted by the Indonesian Ministry of Environment and Forestry.

Advocates urge transition to low-carbon economy, clean energy

Delegations from the ACT Alliance, Lutheran World Federation and WCC at the United Nations climate conference in Marrakech, Morocco are jointly demanding a more rapid transition to a low-carbon economy based on clean energy in order to stem rising global temperatures.

Bible study gives hope as youth reflect on HIV

“In our community, HIV is not spoken about openly. And the challenge is, it’s like people are both informed and not informed. They know what HIV is, that it’s an illness that can be treated, but still they don’t want to really talk about it, like they don’t really want to know about it…”

New videos help congregations hasten HIV response

Four short videos sharing challenges and examples of how churches and church leaders can make a profound difference in global efforts to end AIDS as a public health threat are now available for individual inspiration and group discussion.

Kenia: Stimme religiöser Gemeinschaften wichtig für Bekämpfung von HIV

„Gibt es eine Möglichkeit, Stigmatisierung und Diskriminierung innerhalb von Glaubensgemeinschaften zu thematisieren und ein Beispiel zu geben, damit die, die Leistungen für Betroffene erbringen und sie pflegen, sie nicht selbst stigmatisieren? Denn beim Thema HIV und Aids ist es egal, ob wir Christen oder Muslime, Männer oder Frauen sind. In Bezug auf HIV und Aids müssen wir als Menschen mit Menschen umgehen.“

Kenya: Voice of faith communities crucial in overcoming HIV

“Is there a way we can address stigma and discrimination among faith communities, to set an example, so that those who are there to provide services, to give care, do not themselves stigmatize? Because when it comes to HIV and AIDS, it doesn’t matter if we are Christians or Muslims, women or men. With HIV and AIDS, we need to deal with it as human beings.”