Displaying 41 - 60 of 111

Under the canopy of yellow leaves

Ushered into the venue of the World Council of Churches (WCC) 11th Assembly in Karlsruhe, Germany, one finds a sanctuary, a safe space under the canopy of yellow leaves. Under the shade of trees with leaves slowly going through the withering process is the springing of hope for a better world engaged in conversations and dialogues that promote life at its fullness.

My experience in Fiji

My name is Tobias Nissen, I am an 18-year-old UK / Danish dual national who has lived in France my whole life. I attended school in Geneva, Switzerland and during my final years of education, I wrote an essay about the effects that climate change is having on low-lying Pacific countries. From this point on my interest in the Pacific region grew, and when I received the opportunity to work as an intern for the Pacific Conference of Churches, in Fiji for 2 months, I knew that it would be an experience that I couldn’t miss.

Le secrétaire général nouvellement élu du COE estime qu’avoir grandi en Afrique du Sud l’aidera dans son approche des conflits et de la souffrance

Le secrétaire général nouvellement élu du Conseil œcuménique des Églises (COE) estime qu’avoir grandi en Afrique du Sud, pendant une période de conflit et de souffrance, lui sera très utile lorsqu’il prendra ses fonctions à la tête de l’organisation œcuménique, en janvier, en tant que leader convaincu de la valeur du dialogue.