Displaying 701 - 720 of 910

A humble man firmly rooted in faith

When Rev. Rex Reyes leaves as Christian Conference of Asia president of clergy after two general assemblies and one term as president, the organization loses a humble and very articulate man firmly rooted in the faith.

“The world must be freed of nuclear weapons”

“The first thing that is required of us is to live the courage of our convictions. For the World Council of Churches, our conviction is that the world must be freed of nuclear weapons,” said the Rev. Dr Sang Chang, WCC president for Asia, in her address at the Nuclear Disarmament Symposium held in Hiroshima.

«Le monde doit être débarrassé de l'arme nucléaire»

«La première chose qu'on attend de nous, c'est d'avoir le courage de nos convictions. Au COE, nous avons pour conviction que le monde doit être débarrassé de l'arme nucléaire», a déclaré la pasteure Sang Chang, présidente du COE pour l'Asie.

WCC encourages churches to pray on Hiroshima Day

As an ecumenical delegation to Japan participates in Hiroshima Day observances on the 70th anniversary of the atomic bombing, the WCC has published a liturgical resource and invites churches around the world to join in prayer.

German bishop pledges ecumenical push for prohibition of nuclear weapons

Bishop Dr Heinrich Bedford-Strohm, chair of the Council of the Evangelical Church in Germany (EKD) and a member of the church leaders’ pilgrimage to Japan on the 70th anniversary of the atomic bombings, pressed the case for the Humanitarian Pledge against nuclear weapons at the Hiroshima Day rally on 6 August 2015.

Pour l’évêque Swenson, il est temps d’abandonner tout soutien au maintien de l’arme nucléaire

«Il est temps d’abandonner tout soutien au maintien de l’arme nucléaire. Il est temps de ne plus accepter que la destruction massive d’autres peuples puisse être une forme légitime de protection pour nous-mêmes», a déclaré l’évêque Mary Ann Swenson lors d’un service anglican-catholique du souvenir pour la paix à la cathédrale catholique du mémorial de la paix d’Hiroshima, au Japon, le 5 août.

Food campaigners call for greater convergence of all struggles

A declaration emphasizing the need for greater convergence in the struggles for justice and rights of communities, particularly for land, water, forests, natural resources, livelihood and identity, was the outcome of a meeting in Nepal, involving civil society organizations and social movements.

Bishop George Ninan of India dies at the age of 80

Dr A. George Ninan, an ecumenical leader of international standing and a long-time pastor and diocesan bishop in the Church of North India, passed away in New York City on 21 June at the age of 80. Called by some “the radical voice of the voiceless”, throughout his ministry he organized for the poor, oppressed and outcast in India and, in retirement, continued as a church and community volunteer in the USA.

Joint efforts to fight violence against children

Violence against children was one emerging issue discussed at the Christian Conference of Asia's assembly. “It is still a sad reality in large parts of the world, but momentum to end violence against children is growing within governments and communities, amongst parents and religious leaders. This is a good thing since it takes everyone to make a change”, says Lauren Rumble, UNICEF’s chief of child protection in Indonesia.

Efforts concertés pour lutter contre la violence faite aux enfants

La violence faite aux enfants était l’un des points prioritaires figurant à l’ordre du jour de la réunion de la Conférence chrétienne d’Asie. «C’est encore une triste réalité dans de vastes régions du monde, mais le dynamisme pour lutter contre la violence faite aux enfants s’accroît au sein des gouvernements et des communautés, chez les parents et les chefs religieux. C’est excellent, car c’est en nous unissant qu’on induira un changement», indique Lauren Rumble, du Fonds des Nations Unies pour l’enfance (UNICEF) en Indonésie.

A moment with the new CCA general secretary

Shortly after the 14th General Assembly of the Christian Conference of Asia, held recently in Indonesia´s capital Jakarta, WCC News had a brief chat with the newly elected general secretary of CCA, Dr Mathews George Chunakara.