Displaying 101 - 120 of 301

Bishop Elizabeth Eaton: “No longer will we stay silent”

Elizabeth Eaton is presiding bishop of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA). On 8 August, the ELCA adopted a resolution to encourage church-wide participation in the World Council of Churches Thursdays in Black campaign for a world free from rape and violence.

“African at Heart” conference set for USA in November

Pan-African Women of Faith, Bread for the World, the World Council of Churches (WCC), Pan-African Women’s Ecumenical Empowerment Network, Pan-African Diaspora Women’s Association, African Union, and All Africa Conference of Churches have announced plans for a November conference as well as the rollout of a social media campaign aimed at promoting profiles advocating justice and equity.

For Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, Thursdays in Black maps path to long-sought justice

Through adoption of a resolution in support of the Thursdays in Black campaign in August, the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) Churchwide Assembly has publicly affirmed the church’s commitment to fostering gender justice. The action is a significant official step that now formally “calls upon all people across all expressions of the church to participate in the #ThursdaysinBlack campaign by wearing black on Thursdays and actively participating in the various reflection and action items.”

Pour l’Église évangélique luthérienne d’Amérique, les Jeudis en noir tracent la voie d’une justice longtemps réclamée

En adoptant une résolution de soutien à la campagne des Jeudis en noir en août dernier, l’Assemblée des Églises de l’Église évangélique luthérienne d’Amérique (ELCA, dans ses sigles anglais) a affirmé publiquement l’engagement de l’Église en faveur d’une plus grande justice sensible à la spécificité des sexes. Cette action est une étape officielle de poids qui, désormais, «appelle toute personne de toute expression ecclésiale à participer à la campagne #ThursdaysinBlack en portant du noir les jeudis et à prendre activement part à différentes réflexions et actions».

Dr Saïd Ailabouni: God is on the side of rejected, oppressed, occupied

Born in Nazareth, Galilee, Rev. Dr Saïd Ailabouni moved to the US at the age of 19 to become a physician. But he was so angry at God that he went to study theology instead, becoming a Lutheran pastor. Now he is leading the Middle East & Europe desk of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. Since leaving his hometown 50 years ago, he visits his Palestinian family regularly. As the World Week for Peace in Palestine and Israel approaches, Ailabouni agreed to share some of his lifetime observations with the Word Council of Churches.

Dr Saïd Ailabouni: Dieu est du côté des personnes rejetées, opprimées et sous occupation

Né à Nazareth, en Galilée, le pasteur Saïd Ailabouni a déménagé aux États-Unis à l’âge de 19 ans pour devenir médecin. Or, sa colère contre Dieu était telle qu’il a préféré suivre des études de théologie avant de devenir pasteur luthérien. Il est aujourd’hui à la tête du bureau pour le Moyen-Orient et l’Europe de l’Église évangélique luthérienne d’Amérique. Depuis qu’il a quitté sa terre natale, il y a 50 ans, il rend régulièrement visite à ses proches en Palestine. Alors que la Semaine mondiale pour la paix en Palestine et Israël approche, le pasteur Ailabouni accepte de confier certaines de ses réflexions, égrenées au fil des ans, au Conseil œcuménique des Églises.

Rev. Nathan Day Wilson: “Sunday’s values need to become Monday's values”

Rev. Nathan Day Wilson is a pastor with the Disciples of Christ in the United States and currently holds the position as director of communications at the Christian Theological Seminary in Indianapolis, Indiana. He is associate editor and columnist for the Faith and Values section of the Indianapolis Star. Wilson was a lecturer at the seminar, “Equipping each other for Christian Witness in a multi-cultural and multi-faith world”, taking place at the Bossey Ecumenical Institute from 5-15 August.