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ÖRK ruft zur Unterstützung von Flüchtlingen auf: #WithRefugees

Während Kriege und Konflikte tagtäglich tausende von Familien dazu zwingen, ihr Zuhause zu verlassen, ruft der ÖRK alle Menschen guten Willens dazu auf, die Kampagne des Amtes des Hohen Flüchtlingskommissars der Vereinten Nationen, #WithRefugees, zu unterstützen. Menschen aus der ganzen Welt werden aufgefordert, durch die Unterzeichnung einer Petition ihre Stimme zu erheben und sich dafür einzusetzen, dass jedes Flüchtlingskind zur Schule gehen kann, dass jede Flüchtlingsfamilie an einem sicheren Ort leben kann, und dass alle Flüchtlinge mit ihrer Arbeit oder durch Lernen neuer Fähigkeiten in ihrer Gemeinschaft einen positiven Beitrag leisten können. Am 19. September wird die Petition am Hauptsitz der Vereinten Nationen der Generalversammlung übergeben.

WCC appeals for support, for all to stand #WithRefugees

As wars and conflict continue to force thousands of families to flee their homes every day, the WCC appeals to all people of good will to support the UNHCR’s #WithRefugees campaign. By signing a petition to be handed over to the UN headquarters before the General Assembly meeting on 19 September, people around the globe are asked to raise their voices, to ensure that every refugee child gets an education, that every refugee family has somewhere safe to live, and that every refugee can work or learn new skills to make a positive contribution to their community.

Prayers ring to “open our eyes and lift up our heads” on AIDS response

You disgust me. - “We value you despite our differences.” I’m scared of you. - “Let’s spend some time together.” Your children cannot come to this school. - “All of our children can play together.” Gathered in prayer and determined to overcome stigma and discrimination, participants in a 7 June interfaith service replaced words of rejection with words of acceptance.

WCC visitors to US enter conversations on racial matters in the USA

In the Washington DC region on 18 April, Jim Winkler, general secretary of the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the USA, welcomed a contingent from the WCC who, with others, will be spending 18-25 April on a WCC-sponsored racial justice listening and support visit to several US communities which have suffered violent incidents related to race.

Ecumenical team listens and learns in racial justice journey to the USA

“Racism remains an issue that divides society and even families,” said Dr Agnes Abuom, moderator of the Central Committee of the World Council of Churches (WCC), in a Washington DC workshop on “the theological basis for lifting the voice of the marginalized.” She noted that these dramatically relevant words were not her own, but are drawn from a WCC study on race undertaken in the 1990s.

USA Racial Justice Accompaniment Visit

The Racial Justice Accompaniment Visit to the USA is a continuation of the WCC’s long history of racial justice work. As part of the Pilgrimage of Justice and Peace, the WCC wishes to listen to and express support for people and churches in the USA, and to encourage the efforts of member churches and ecumenical partners in the US, as well as other justice-seeking movements on these issues.

International affairs facilitator reflects on pilgrimage

With a background in international conflict resolution, peace-building and reconciliation, Professor Emily Welty is uniquely suited to her role as acting moderator of the Commission of the Churches on International Affairs of the WCC. She facilitated the commission’s work most recently during its annual meeting in Geneva from 7 through 14 March.

"I hit the ground running": Katalina Tahaafe-Williams

Two major crises have marked the months since the WCC called Katalina Tahaafe-Williams to work in Geneva on its migration, indigenous, and multicultural ministry programmes. When she took up the job in October, the European refugee crisis was in full flow. Then in November, terrorists attacked Paris.

Flucht aus einem Land, nicht in ein Land

„Die europäischen Länder sind heute mit Tausenden von Menschen konfrontiert, die aus Syrien und anderen vom Krieg verwüsteten Regionen in Länder geflüchtet sind, über die sie meistens nur sehr wenig wissen. Die Aufnahme solcher Menschenmengen stellt uns vor enorme Herausforderungen. Wie wir mit der Flüchtlingskrise umgehen, und nicht zuletzt auch mit dem Eingliederungs- und Integrationsprozess, wird von größter Bedeutung sowohl für unsere zukünftige Einstellung gegenüber Flüchtlingen und Asylsuchenden als auch für die langfristige Stabilität und Überlebensfähigkeit unserer eigenen Gesellschaften sein“, sagte Knut Vollebaek, Botschafter und früherer norwegischer Außenminister während seiner Rede auf der Genfer ÖRK-UN-Konferenz über die Flüchtlingskrise am 18. und 19. Januar.

Fleeing from – rather than to – a place

“The way we handle the refugee crisis, not least the settling in and integration process, will be of utmost significance, both for the attitude towards refugees and asylum seekers in the future, and for the long-term stability and sustainability of our own societies”, said Knut Vollebaek, ambassador and former Norwegian foreign minister, in his speech at the recent WCC/UN conference on Europe’s refugee crisis.