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HIV stigma still not eradicated—but we can change our mindset

The HIV response has more than forty years now; timely and accessible medications are effective and ensure long healthy lives for people living with HIV. We have more prevention tools and strategies, we know much more about the virus, there are many organizations and websites with dedicated information; yet, HIV stigma persists in deep thinking, having serious consequences for the 38 million people living with HIV across the world.

HIV and AIDS Civil Society Networks and the Faith Sector

Lessons Learnt from Strategic Engagement in India, Dominican Republic, Indonesia, and Jamaica

This booklet highlights the lessons learnt in a project, Strategic Engagement of Civil Society Networks and Faith Actors in the HIV Response in Four Countries,  implemented by the World Council of Churches (WCC), with the support of the Joint United Nations Program on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS), from July to December 2022 

This initiative facilitated dialogue between civil society networks, faith actors, and key national HIV stakeholders in the Dominican Republic, India, Indonesia, and Jamaica.

No more women living with HIV dying with cervical cancer

As we come closer to the 16 Days of Activism, which begins on 25 November (International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women), includes 1 December (International Day dedicated to raise awareness of the AIDS pandemic caused by the spread of HIV infection and mourning those who have died), and runs through 10 December (International Human Rights Day), I write this open letter to policymakers, faith leaders, and all stakeholders interested in the lives of women and girls.

On World AIDS today, tackling inequalities is a matter of justice

During a webinar, Faith Communities in the HIV & AIDS response today,” held on World AIDS Day, participants received an overview of the history of response to HIV from the World Council of Churches (WCC) and UNAIDS, and they mapped the way forward in combatting new challenges.

WCC invites all to World AIDS Day prayer service

On 1 December, World AIDS Day will mark more than 40 years since the first outbreak of the epidemic; however, in 2021, every two minutes, an adolescent girl or young woman (15-24 years old) acquired HIV.