Displaying 141 - 160 of 224

Frustration, anger and good practices – Romania as model for food security

“We see a lot of challenges, of frustration, anger, but also cases of good practices, of growing Romania together.” Speaking at a workshop on ”Food sovereignty and sustainable agriculture - the Romanian experience and the role of the church” at the German Kirchentag in Berlin on 25 May, ecumenical youth advocate Vicenţiu Dragoş Băşa from the Joint programme of the Romanian Orthodox Church and the World Council of Churches Ecumenical Advocacy Alliance, reflected on the work towards ensuring food security and sustainable agriculture in the Romanian context.

Faith leaders’ message to G7 – Video testimonies call to end famine

Following an open editorial by a range of faith leaders and partners published on 22 May, the World Council of Churches now shares a video message of faith leaders giving testimony to the importance of taking action to end famine, through politics, through faith, and as a global community of fellow human beings.

What happens when the world joins in a prayer to end famine

On 21 May - observed as the Global Day of Prayer to End Famine - millions of people from faith communities, organizations and neighborhoods across the world prayed, tweeted, posted and talked face-to-face about the urgent action needed to aid 20 million people facing famine in South Sudan, Somalia, Yemen and Nigeria.

Millionen Menschen beten gemeinsam für ein Ende des Hungers

Am 21. Mai, dem Weltgebetstag für ein Ende des Hungers, haben Millionen Menschen unterschiedlicher Glaubenstraditionen, aus verschiedensten Organisationen und lokalen Gemeinschaften in der ganzen Welt gebetet, getwittert, gepostet und persönlich darüber gesprochen, dass 20 Millionen Menschen im Südsudan, in Somalia, im Jemen und in Nigeria unter Hungersnöten leiden und dringende Abhilfe notwendig ist.

Millions join hearts and minds to pray for end to famine

On 21 May - the Global Day of Prayer to End Famine - millions of people from faith communities, organizations and neighborhoods across the world prayed, tweeted, posted and talked face-to-face about the urgent action needed to aid 20 million people facing famine in South Sudan, Somalia, Yemen and Nigeria.

G7-Gipfel muss etwas gegen die Hungersnot unternehmen

Es wird noch lange nicht genügend getan, um das Leben der 20 Millionen Menschen zu retten, die in Ländern wie Jemen, Somalia, Südsudan und Nigeria von einer Hungerkatastrophe bedroht werden. Davon betroffen sind auch 1,4 Millionen Kinder, die unmittelbar vom Hungertod bedroht sind, wenn ihnen nicht sofort geholfen wird.

G7 must address famine

Not nearly enough is being done to save the lives of the 20 million people who face famine in Yemen, Somalia, South Sudan and Nigeria. Among them are 1.4 million children, who are at imminent risk of death unless aid reaches them immediately.

Ending famine in India depends on all religions and cultures

Worsening global inequality is borne out as more people face famine now than any other time in modern history. Fr Nithiya Sagayam, national coordinator of the Association of Franciscan Families of India, is gravely concerned that the global response to extreme poverty is too low in almost every country while, he says, “corporations continue to grow richer and richer.”

Applications open for WCC Eco-School

The first ever WCC Eco-School on Water, Food and Climate Justice will be held 24 July to 3 August, hosted by the Church of Central Africa Presbyterian Blantyre Synod. Applications are now open with a deadline of 11 June (deadline extended).

Webinars on Global Day of Prayer to End Famine – action steps

As more people face famine today than any time in modern history, the WCC together with the All Africa Conference of Churches and a range of faith-based partners and networks invite a Global Day of Prayer to End Famine on 21 May 2017, in response to the hunger crisis.

UN discussion focuses on women, HIV and property rights

“She is HIV positive too. No need to inherit her late husband’s title deed. She will die soon and leave it anyway.”

These man’s thoughts during his brother’s funeral were used by Jane Ng’ang’a, national coordinator, International Network of Religious Leaders Living with or Personally Affected by HIV (INERELA+) Kenya Chapter, to push the debate on property and inheritance rights linked to HIV. The discussion was held during the 61st Session of the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women (CSW), on 16 March, at the headquarters of UNAIDS, in New York.

“It’s time to be brave, to form diverse partnerships”

“How can we work together, to share what it is in our hands, share the work that is before us? How can we empower one another, capacity-build our religious leaders and mobilize our congregations, to be more proactive in health-promoting issues?”

Tagung in Kenia befasst sich mit Beseitigung der HIV-Stigmatisierung durch Liebe und Dialog

Mehr als 120 religiöse und geistliche Führungspersönlichkeiten, Fachpersonen aus dem Gesundheitsbereich und junge Menschen trafen sich am 7. und 8. Februar in Kenia mit dem Ziel, die Bekämpfung der Stigmatisierung von HIV zu intensivieren. Vertreterinnen und Vertreter der kenianischen Regierung, von zivilgesellschaftlichen Organisationen, Netzwerken von HIV-Betroffenen und Partnern aus der Entwicklungszusammenarbeit nahmen ebenfalls an dem Treffen in Nairobi teil. Das Thema der Tagung lautete „Faith on the Fast Track: Eliminating Stigma and Discrimination Through Love and Dialogue“ (Glaube auf der Überholspur: Stigma und Diskriminierung durch Liebe und Dialog überwinden), und sie beleuchtete die Auswirkungen des Dialograhmens, der seit 2013 in mehreren Ländern existiert. Die Veranstaltung wurde vom kenianischen Zweig des Internationalen Netzwerks religiöser Verantwortungsträger/innen, die HIV-positiv oder persönlich von HIV/AIDS betroffen sind (INERELA+ Kenia) und vom Globalen ökumenischen Aktionsbündnis des Ökumenischen Rates der Kirchen (ÖRK-EAA) organisiert und nebst anderen durch das Programm der Vereinten Nationen für HIV/Aids (UNAIDS) unterstützt.

Gathering in Kenya explores eliminating HIV stigma through love and dialogue

More than 120 religious and spiritual leaders, health workers and young people met on 7-8 February to focus on strengthening the fight against stigma in the HIV response in Kenya. They were joined by representatives from the Kenyan government, civil society organizations, networks of people living with HIV, and development partners for an event in Nairobi. The meeting, “Faith on the Fast Track: Eliminating Stigma and Discrimination Through Love and Dialogue” aimed to assess the impact of the Framework for Dialogue methodology which has been implemented in several countries since 2013.

Neue Lizenz könnte die Behandlung von Tuberkulosekranken verbessern, die mit HIV leben

Das Globale Ökumenische Aktionsbündnis des Ökumenischen Rates der Kirchen (ÖRK) begrüßt die erste Lizenzvereinbarung für TB-Medikamente, die am 25. Januar vom Medicines Patent Pool und der John Hopkins Universität bekanntgegeben wurde. Diese Vereinbarung unterstützt die weitere klinische Entwicklung von Sutezolid, das als aussichtsreiches Medikament für die Behandlung der Tuberkulose gilt. Sutezolid ist ein Antibiotikum, das in Kombination mit anderen Arzneimitteln geeignet sein könnte, behandlungssensitive und behandlungsresistente Tuberkulose effektiver zu heilen.

New license could improve tuberculosis treatment for people living with HIV

The World Council of Churches - Ecumenical Advocacy Alliance applauds the first licensing agreement related to tuberculosis, announced on 25 January by the Medicines Patent Pool and Johns Hopkins University. The agreement will facilitate the clinical development of sutezolid, a tuberculosis drug candidate. The antibiotic sutezolid, in combination with other drugs, could be used to more effectively treat drug-sensitive and drug-resistant tuberculosis.