Training Manuals and Resource Documents for Addressing HIV in Africa

Positive Masculinities and Femininities

Handbook for Adolescents and Young People in Faith Communities in Nigeria
Edited by:
Helen Kunbi Labeodan
Godson Téyi Dogbeda Lawson-Kpavuvu
Ayoko Bahun-Wilson
Ezra Chitando

Continuing its mission of providing practical pastoral resources to counter HIV and AIDS, WCC’s Ecumenical HIV and AIDS Advocacy and Initiatives (WCC EHAIA) has published a half dozen manuals for addressing key concerns of those most affected by the disease. Context-driven and language-specific, the six pieces yet tackle topics pertinent to the whole of Africa and beyond and can be employed to structure workshops and to inform resource persons themselves. 

Handbook for Adolescents and Young People in Faith Communities in Nigeria

Specs: 81 pages; size; paper; perfect; 4-colour cover

English: ISBN: 978-2-8254-1719-5

Shelving/Topics: Religion/Health

Rights: World, all languages

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French (Congo):

Féminités et Masculinités: Guide sur leurs perceptions, significations et répercussions en milieux Congolais RDC à l’ère du VIH et SIDA,

Edited by Jean Kazadi, Dogbeda Teyi Lawson-Kpavuvu, and Ayoko Togometo Bahun-Wilson

ISBN: 978-2-8254-1720-1

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Healthy and Inclusive Communities

This manual helps us to equip ourselves with life skills that will help our communities become healthy and inclusive for all. – Rev. Dr Olav Fykse Tveit, WCC general secretary

Given the demographics of sub-Saharan Africa and the new high rates of HIV infections, teenage pregnancies, and cases of sexual violence, the World Council of Churches has intensified its focus on adolescents and young people. Its ecumenical initiative addressing HIV and AIDS (WCC-EHAIA) has developed methodologies for intergenerational safe-space conversation.

The aim is to facilitate intensive listening and learning among adolescents, young people, pastors, chaplains, religious scholars, teachers, health workers, and parents in addressing the key drivers of the HIV epidemic. Those methodologies are featured in this handbook on positive masculinities and femininities to nurture life-affirming values and to develop life-giving skills on HIV prevention and reduction of sexual violence.

This is one of four manuals on HIV and AIDS produced by the World Council of Churches’ Ecumenical HIV and AIDS Initiatives and Advocacy (WCC-EHAIA) with the support of the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS) and the American President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR).