A Hundred Years of Mission Cooperation Cover

A Hundred Years of Mission Cooperation

The Impact of the International Missionary Council 1921-2021
Edited by:
Risto Jukko

With its sister volume, this book is a must for anyone, academic, pastor, or mission practitioner, interested in knowing how Christianity was considerably expanded in the 20th century, through churches’ mission and missionary work, and was transformed into World (or Global) Christianity.

The book is divided into two parts. The first part contains the introduction—background reading for the reports of the study process produced by the IMC Centenary Study process. The second part of the book includes 13 regional reports. Contributions from all over the world analyse and evaluate the impact—or the absence thereof—of the IMC and the CWME from 1921 until today.

Specs: 424 pages; 6x9”; PDF and paper; perfect; 4-colour cover
ISBN: 978-2-8254-1813-0
Shelving/Topics: Religion/Mission
Rights: World, all languages
Price: $49.50    GBP 37.75    € 45.50    43.00 CHF

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For over 30 years now, the majority of Christians have been living in the global south, and Africa is the world’s most Christian continent. Many churches in the global south are growing strongly today. One contribution to this phenomenon in the 20th century has been the International Missionary Council, a permanent ecumenical structure founded in 1921 in Lake Mohonk, USA, to foster unity and mission cooperation. The book goes deep in answering two questions: What had happened in mission because of the existence of the IMC and its historical successor, the WCC Commission on World Mission and Evangelism, since 1961—and what might have happened anyway, without a global ecumenical body such as the IMC and the WCC/CWME?