Church of Bangladesh
The church grew out of the work started in the late 19th century by the Church Missionary Society, the Oxford Mission to Calcutta and the English Presbyterian Society. The Anglican Church in East Pakistan (now Bangladesh) was under the Diocese of Calcutta until 1951, when the Diocese of Dhaka became part of the Anglican Church in Pakistan. Under the Church Union plan of 1965 the Church of Pakistan was created (1970). When Bangladesh achieved its independence in 1971 the Dhaka Diocese became an autonomous church under the name Church of Bangladesh, bringing together the Anglican and Presbyterian churches. In the late 1980s a second diocese was created, which completed the status of the Church of Bangladesh as a national and united church in conformity with the Church Union plan.
The church understands its mission as proclaiming the good news of Jesus Christ, responding to human needs, striving to build a more just society and preserving the integrity of God's creation. In the aftermath of the war for independence which caused enormous damage to the country and the people, and while the nation was just starting its recovery process, the newly emerged leadership of the Church of Bangladesh had to face these realities and give shape to the solidarity and the participation of the church in the reconstruction of the country, according to the teachings of the Lord Jesus Christ. As a result the church started its social development service alongside the process of deepening its spiritual ministry. Relationships of cooperation were established with new partners in Europe and North America as well as in Asia. The work went beyond the church's own constituency to all people in need and became registered with the government as a separate entity. Today the Church of Bangladesh Social Development Programme (CBSDP) operates projects in different regions of the country, along with relief and rehabilitation activities. All the projects are situated in the rural areas and the activities are being implemented among the poorest sectors in the community, irrespective of religion, caste, etc.
The different institutions of the Church of Bangladesh include two hospitals, ten clinics, four nursery and forty-four primary schools, three junior and four senior high schools, two trade schools and a craft centre for girls. The clergy is trained at St Andrew's Theological College and the church has also a retreat centre.