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"Mission for God’s people” explored at seminar in Kenya

At a seminar on African missiology held in Nairobi, Kenya on 13 February, participants gave space to theological reflections linked to the Arusha Conference.

The one-day event, “Re-visiting Arusha 2018: Highlights of African Missiology,” also created space for new reflections based on the Arusha Call to Discipleship.

WCC mourns passing of Prof. Vuyani Vellem

With great sadness, the World Council of Churches (WCC) received news of the demise of Prof. Vuyani Vellem on 4 December. A member of the WCC’s Commission on Ecumenical Education and Formation, Vellem was director of the Centre for Public Theology and associate professor at the University of Pretoria, South Africa. He also served as deputy secretary of the South Africa Council of Churches.

Mission and people with disabilities

How much is the mission of the church related to people with disabilities? These days we talk a lot about inclusive societies and churches. But, have we arrived there? Are our societies and churches taking seriously the problems and challenges that people with disabilities face on a daily basis? People with disabilities find themselves quite often at the margins of the societies and even of the churches.

Wie wird der Aufruf von Arusha die Welt verändern?

Der Aufruf von Arusha zur Nachfolge ist gleichzeitig belebend, verwandelnd und herausfordernd und bereitet einigen Menschen sogar Unbehagen – das sagten Vertreter/innen der Kommission für Weltmission und Evangelisation (CWME) des Ökumenischen Rates der Kirchen (ÖRK) auf einer Pressekonferenz anlässlich einer Buchveröffentlichung in Helsinki (Finnland) am 20. Mai.

How will the Arusha Call change the world?

The Arusha Call to Discipleship is at once exhilarating, transformative and challenging to the point of discomfort for some, reflected leaders of the World Council of Churches (WCC) Commission on World Mission and Evangelism (CWME) during a 20 May press conference and book launch in Helsinki, Finland.

¿Cómo cambiará el mundo el llamado de Arusha?

El llamado de Arusha al discipulado es al mismo tiempo estimulante, transformador y provocador hasta el punto de ser incómodo para algunos, reflexionaron los líderes de la Comisión de Misión Mundial y Evangelización (CMME) del Consejo Mundial de Iglesias (CMI) durante una conferencia de prensa y la presentación de un libro en Helsinki (Finlandia).

Comment l’Appel d’Arusha changera-t-il le monde?

L’Appel d’Arusha à vivre en disciples est à la fois exaltant, exigeant, et source de transformation, jusqu’à l’inconfort pour certain-e-s, selon les responsables de la Commission de mission et d’évangélisation (CME) du Conseil œcuménique des Églises (COE) à la conférence de presse et au lancement d’un ouvrage le 20 mai à Helsinki, en Finlande.

New issue: International Review of Mission

The latest issue of the International Review of Mission, the biannual journal of the WCC contains a selection of articles which were on the one hand given as key lectures at the Conference on World Mission and Evangelism in Arusha from 8-13 March 2018 and on the other hand articles from Missiologists from all over the world, including Catholic, Pentecostal, Protestant and Orthodox voices, asking about “Mission quo vadis after Arusha?”.

Post-Arusha seminar convenes in Finland

A seminar following the WCC Conference on World Mission and Evangelism is being convened on 20 April in Helsinki, Finland. Participants and speakers include, among others, Rev. Dr Benjamin Simon, professor of Ecumenical Missiology at the Ecumenical Institute in Bossey, as well as delegates to the Arusha conference representing Lutheran and Orthodox churches.

Tanzanian bishop known for tree-planting honoured to host mission conference

Environmentally-conscious presiding bishop Dr Fredrick Shoo of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Tanzania says it was a special honour to host the Conference on World Mission and Evangelism in his country that is often called the “cradle of humanity”. “It has been a moment of reflection for the church as one body of disciples of Christ and on how we witness about Christ in the global context,” said Shoo, known for his tree-planting activities, in an interview.

Aussendungsgottesdienst zum Abschluss der Missionskonferenz in Arusha

Mit einem Aussendungsgottesdienst endete gestern die Konferenz für Weltmission und Evangelisation in Tansania. In dem Gottesdienst reflektierten die Teilnehmenden über ihren Ruf zur Nachfolge und die Bedeutung eines solchen Aufrufs zu transformierender Mission in einer Welt voller Schmerz, Verwerfungen und Wirren.

“Sending service” closes Arusha conference

The Conference on World Mission and Evangelism officially closed with a “sending service” during which participants reflected on their call to discipleship and the significance of such a call in transforming mission in a world of pain, dislocation and turmoil.

Un “servicio de envío” clausura la conferencia de Arusha

La Conferencia Mundial sobre Misión y Evangelización se clausuró con un servicio durante el cual los participantes reflexionaron sobre su llamamiento al discipulado y la importancia de ese llamamiento para transformar la misión en un mundo de dolor, desplazamiento y confusión.

Un «service d’envoi» clôture la Conférence d’Arusha

La Conférence mondiale sur la mission et l’évangélisation, en Tanzanie, s’est achevée par un «service d’envoi» au cours duquel les participant-e-s ont réfléchi à leur appel à vivre en disciple et à la signification d’un tel appel dans le cadre d’une mission transformatrice, dans un monde de douleur, de bouleversements et de troubles.

Konferenz für Weltmission und Evangelisation nimmt Kreuz auf sich

„Wir können unser Kreuz auf uns nehmen, wenn wir daran festhalten, dass es ohne Leben keine Spiritualität gibt und dass Spiritualit gegenüber dem Chaos der Menschheit ungeduldiges Leben ist“, sagte Pastor Dr. Vuyani Vellem, einer der Referenten an einer Plenarsitzung zum Thema Theologie des Kreuzes auf der Konferenz für Weltmission und Evangelisation (CWME).