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Compêndio De Práticas Promissoras de intervenções de comunidades religiosas africanas contra o HIV em crianças e adolescentes

Sumário Executivo

UNAIDS and PEPFAR developed this compendium. WCC collaborated on translating the Executive Summary into French and Portuguese.

Esse relatório vital reúne lições essenciais sobre a excepcional liderança das comunidades religiosas no enfrentamento do desafio do HIV em crianças. Ele documenta as evidências das principais funções que as comunidades religiosas têm desempenhado na identificação de crianças não diagnosticadas que vivem com HIV, melhorando a continuidade do tratamento e apoiando a adesão aos cuidados e ao tratamento. Ele também documenta lições de como as lideranças religiosas têm atuado de forma incisiva para combater o estigma e a discriminação e pressionar para que as metas sejam alcançadas. É um documento feito para ajudar as comunidades religiosas – e as pessoas que as apoiam e fazem parceria com elas – a trazer avanços radicais na busca pela meta de acabar com a AIDS em crianças até 2030.

True Freedom

Ein neuer internationaler Kurs für die Fastenzeit
Rev. Dr Kenneth Mtata
Bishop Alastair Redfern
Frederique Seidel
Caroline Virgo
Claire Walford

A new global resource from The World Council of Churches and The Clewer Initiative, True Freedom is a six-week course for Lent. It draws on themes from the book of Galatians and encourages individuals and churches to respond to modern slavery in their communities.

True Freedom includes:

  • A short Bible study on the book of Galatians
  • A reflection written by Revd Dr Kenneth Mtata and Bishop Alastair Redfern
  • Questions for group discussion or personal reflection
  • Case studies from churches around the world
  • Information and statistics about modern slavery
  • Artwork to contemplate and discuss

True Freedom is available in English, German, French, Spanish, Dutch, and Korean. 

Um Guia para as Igrejas sobre a Prevenção da Fístula Obstétrica

WCC Human Rights programme

Este guia tem como objetivo sensibilizar igrejas e comunidades religiosas sobre a condição catastrófica que é a fístula obstétrica – uma lesão que ocorre no parto, geralmente devido a trabalhos de parto prolongados e obstruídos que não recebem intervenção médica em tempo hábil. A fístula obstétrica pode ter consequências físicas, emocionais e econômicas devastadoras para as mulheres, podendo inclusive levar a deficiência permanente.

Zur Verwandlung aufgerufen Ökumenische Diakonie

A joint publication of the World Council of Churches (WCC) and ACT Alliance, this study document aims to clarify the understanding of ecumenical diakonia and to provide a common platform for acting and reflecting together for the churches and ecumenical partners worldwide. 

The major publication outlines the theological components of diakonia and offers practical content for those engaged in the service of diakonia. The study document is intended to be used for formation and training in ecumenical diakonia, to strengthen the institutional capacity of those involved in diakonia, and to foster dialogue and cooperation between churches, ecumenical partners, ACT Alliance and the WCC.

Climate Justice with and for Children and Youth in Churches

Get Informed, Get Inspired, Take Action
Research & Coordination: Frederique Seidel
Research assistant: Virág Kinga Mezei

This toolkit provides resources for churches, church-run schools, and summer camps to support intergenerational climate and environmental justice and promote care for children by stopping further global warming. All churches are encouraged to promote education and action to address climate change, reduce CO2 emissions, and protect the environment in their activities for and with children and youth.

Cooler Earth – Higher Benefits Second Edition

Actions by those who care about children, climate and finance
Frederique Seidel
Emmanuel de Martel

The second edition of this publication gives suggestions of how churches and other organizations around the world can respond to the climate emergency through investment decisions that are crucial to protect children from global warming. Contains updated tables and reports.

The third edition was published in August 2022 and is available here

Walk the Talk

A Toolkit to Accompany the "Roadmap for Congregations, Communities and Churches for an Economy of Life and Ecological Justice"

“Walk the Talk” builds on Roadmap for Congregations, Communities and Churches for an Economy of Life and Ecological Justice,” a 5-step programme to change the way we deal with the economy and our ecological surroundings.

This toolkit aims to enthuse congregations and churches through concrete examples of communities in action as well as offer good practices and practical materials to “walk the talk” on economic and ecological justice, in each of the areas:

  • Living in Accordance with the Covenant with God and Creation
  • Renewable Energy and Climate Protection
  • Just and Sustainable Consumption
  • Economies of Life

Konsens erzielen

Richtlinien für die Durchführung von Sitzungen

This guide is intended to introduce the reader to consensus decision-making in the World Council of Churches and to the procedures for implementing it in the conduct of meetings. Both the rule for the conduct of meetings (Rule XIX) and these guidelines are worded so as to apply to a meeting of the assembly of the Council, and they are to be used also in meetings of all its governing and consultative bodies. Finally, the flowchart of consensus procedures outlines the different steps involved in achieving consensus during the meetings.

Kindern aus dem Schatten und ins Licht helfen

Material für Spirituelles Leben, das Sexuelle Gewalt Gegen Kinder Bekämpft

A spiritual life booklet, with Bible studies, songs, and prayers that can be used to understand what the Bible says about children, sexual violence, and the role of the church to be a refuge.

Pilgerinnen und Pilger auf dem Weg des Friedens

Die Reise des ÖRK von Busan nach Karlsruhe (Illustrated)

This report, received by the WCC central committee in February 2022, is the accountability report of the central committee to the WCC 11th Assembly, describing and offering an assessment of the activities of the WCC, since the 10th Assembly, in Busan, Republic of Korea, in late 2013.

This illustrated version is a narrative of a fellowship of churches committed to moving together on a Pilgrimage of Justice and Peace, conveying something of the energy, excitement, ambition, and initiative that have marked the WCC’s journey since Busan. It aims to assist assembly delegates to understand the council’s journey in this period and help them actively participate in the assembly, and to share the ecumenical vision reflected in the WCC’s activities with member churches, partners, and the wider fellowship.

This report is available in English, Spanish, French, and German.


Ökumenischer Rat der Kirchen 11. Vollversammlung Karlsruhe, Deutschland 2022

This assembly Resource Book, a documentary collection published in four separate language editions, is meant to orient assembly delegates and participants to the assembly process, convey documents and reports upon which the assembly will act, and also link participants to a variety of important background documents about the many substantive matters that will engage the gathered fellowship there.

To that end, the Resource Book will function as a ready documentary reference and resource for assembly delegates as well as other participants.

Translations to follow.

Und da er das Volk sah - Bibelstudien

When He Saw the Crowds - Bible Studies 

Und da er das Volk sah - Bibelstudien 

Voyant les foules - Études bibliques 

Al ver las multitudes - Estudios bíblicos

The plenary Bible studies are an important aspect of the work of the assembly. They give participants an opportunity to meet daily around a Bible passage to reflect on the theme and the experience of the assembly. Participants can discern together God’s purposes for themselves and the ecumenical movement. They meet in groups which are small enough to allow everyone to contribute and large enough to give a range of perspectives. The Bible study sessions provide an opportunity for participants to explore the assembly theme together in the light of the biblical texts, knowledge, and experience. To be involved in group Bible study is to be open to one another, to the Bible passage and to the Holy Spirit. It is not to win an argument or to persuade others to a particular point of view. These sessions should be a place where the participants can integrate all they have heard and done in the assembly and discover together the possibilities of transformation that God offers us.

Oase des Friedens


Oase des Friedens: Gottesdienstbuch

Oasis de paix: Ressources pour la vie spirituelle

Oasis de Paz: Recursos para la vida espiritual

This multilingual volume of spiritual life resources is meant to inspire the collective prayer and praise of participants at the WCC’s 11th Assembly, taking place in Karlsruhe, Germany, from 31 August to 8 September 2022, where Christians from around the world, the whole oikoumene, are uniting to rejoice in the love of God in Christ.

O Amor de Cristo move o Mundo à Reconciliação e Unidade. Uma reflexão sobre o tema da 11ª Assembleia do Conselho Mundial de Igrejas Karlsruhe, 2022.

The result of the work of an international group drawn from different regions and confessional traditions, the text is intended as a resource for churches and Christians worldwide in advance of the WCC’s 11th Assembly, to take place in Karlsruhe, Germany, from 31 August to 8 September 2022. It offers biblical and theological reflections on the assembly theme, inspired by a biblical verse – “For the love of Christ urges us on” (2 Cor. 5:14) – against the backdrop of critical issues confronting churches and humanity as a whole. The text is available initially in four languages – English, French, German, and Spanish.

Feiern Wir Die Liebe Christi!

Singen und Beten

Celebrate Christ’s Love! Sing and Pray

Feiern Wir Die Liebe Christi! Singen und Beten

Célébrons L’amour Du Christ! Chante et Prie

¡Celebremos El Amor De Cristo! Canto y Oración

In four languages, a newly released publication developed by the assembly’s worship planning group, Celebrate Christ’s Love!, expands the opportunity to prepare spiritually for the assembly.

This publication contains some of the components of the final spiritual-life resource that will be used at the assembly. It invites assembly participants and the wider fellowship to celebrate the love of God that we find in Christ through prayer, song, and reflecting on Jesus’ preaching and healing as portrayed in the Gospels.

Pilgerinnen und Pilger auf dem Weg des Friedens

Die Reise des ÖRK von Busan nach Karlsruhe (ohne Bilder)

For each assembly, the central committee submits an accountability report, describing and offering an assessment of the activities of the WCC between the assemblies; in this case, since the 10th Assembly, in Busan, Republic of Korea, in late 2013.

The report “Pilgrims on the Path of Peace – The Journey of the WCC from Busan to Karlsruhe,” is now available online for WCC member churches, ecumenical partners, and other global pilgrims. The WCC central committee received the report in February.

Robôs Assassinos

Um Guia de Campanha para as Igrejas
Jennifer Philpot-Nissen

Campaign guide for churches concerned about autonomous weapons systems, also known as “killer robots".

The guide is designed to introduce churches to the issue of killer robots, and help raise awareness of the need for Christians to act to ensure decision-makers agree on a pre-emptive ban on the future development of such weapons.