Cocer image of worship booklet with assembly theme

Feiern Wir Die Liebe Christi!

Singen und Beten

Celebrate Christ’s Love! Sing and Pray

Feiern Wir Die Liebe Christi! Singen und Beten

Célébrons L’amour Du Christ! Chante et Prie

¡Celebremos El Amor De Cristo! Canto y Oración

In four languages, a newly released publication developed by the assembly’s worship planning group, Celebrate Christ’s Love!, expands the opportunity to prepare spiritually for the assembly.

This publication contains some of the components of the final spiritual-life resource that will be used at the assembly. It invites assembly participants and the wider fellowship to celebrate the love of God that we find in Christ through prayer, song, and reflecting on Jesus’ preaching and healing as portrayed in the Gospels.

Specs: 115 pages; size; PDF, 4-colour cover

ISBN: 978-2-8254-1788-1

Shelving/Topics: Religion/Worship

Rights: World, all languages

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The first component of the spiritual life, scripture readings, is centred on Gospel stories that demonstrate Christ’s love for humanity. The scripture readings chosen for each day of the assembly are highlighted,

The second element that will cultivate the assembly’s spiritual life is song. The publication contains samples of various songs drawn from all over the world and many languages. These songs capture the nuances of the theme while expressing the musical richness and diversity of the particular cultures and the vastness of the global ecumenical movement.

Prayer is the third feature contained within these pages. These prayers remind us of the issues for which we need to be interceding while also bringing to our attention the ways we can continually pray on and for our pilgrimage of justice and peace.