Displaying 1 - 20 of 54

HIV Stigma and discrimination revisited: challenging our ideas for the next phase of the HIV response

19 April 2023

This zoom round table has the objective of re-opening a deep conversation about HIV stigma and discrimination, based on evidence, and seeing it with programmatic lenses, in the context of faith and theology. The round table will discuss studies, current programs and theological reflections on the manifestations of stigma and discrimination in HIV with the aim to promote collective thinking to sharpen our response.

HIV stigma still not eradicated—but we can change our mindset

The HIV response has more than forty years now; timely and accessible medications are effective and ensure long healthy lives for people living with HIV. We have more prevention tools and strategies, we know much more about the virus, there are many organizations and websites with dedicated information; yet, HIV stigma persists in deep thinking, having serious consequences for the 38 million people living with HIV across the world.

No more women living with HIV dying with cervical cancer

As we come closer to the 16 Days of Activism, which begins on 25 November (International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women), includes 1 December (International Day dedicated to raise awareness of the AIDS pandemic caused by the spread of HIV infection and mourning those who have died), and runs through 10 December (International Human Rights Day), I write this open letter to policymakers, faith leaders, and all stakeholders interested in the lives of women and girls.

World AIDS Day prayer service

01 December 2022

On 1 December, World AIDS Day will mark more than 40 years since the first outbreak of the epidemic; however, in 2021, every two minutes, an adolescent girl or young woman (15-24 years old) acquired HIV.

Geneva, Ecumenical Center - Zoom

Faith communities in the HIV & AIDS response today

01 December 2022

In commemoration of World AIDS Day, this online meeting will provide an update of the HIV response in the World Council of Churches (WCC) and its ecumenical partners around the globe, looking at the strategies implemented and the way forward.

Let flowers bloom a new

Gathered at a time when wars and conflicts have emerged one after the other, socioeconomic situations in various countries have deteriorated, and greed for power and wealth has manifested, putting people's and the planet's welfare in danger. Hate, discrimination, injustice, exclusion, and various forms of dehumanization have plagued society and put lives at risk. Faced with difficult situations, the assembly appears as a new garden plot where seeds and plants of all kinds are cultivated, seeds of hope, dreams, and visions for a better world.

Zerstörung, Vertreibung, Hunger, Krankheit und Tod: Ukraine, Russland und darüber hinaus

Es wird geschätzt, dass, seit Russlands Militäroffensive in der Ukraine am 24. Februar begann, mehr als  than 18 Millionen Menschen (41% der Bevölkerung der Ukraine) von dem Konflikt betroffen sind. Fast ein Viertel der Bevölkerung wurde aus ihren Häusern vertrieben, mit fast 6,5 Millionen Binnenflüchtlingen und mehr als 3,5 Millionen Menschen, die das land verlassen haben. 

Destruction, déplacement, faim, maladie et mort : Ukraine, Russie et bien plus encore

Depuis le début de l'offensive militaire russe en Ukraine le 24 février, on estime que plus de 18 millions de personnes (41% de la population ukrainienne) ont été touchées par le conflit. Près d'un Ukrainien sur quatre a été contraint de quitter son domicile, avec près de 6,5 millions de personnes déplacées à l'intérieur du pays et plus de 3,5 millions de personnes ont fui le pays.