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Ecumenical theological education: sharing space for transformational experiences

Eighteen theological educators and church representatives gathered on 22 June in Geneva for the second meeting of the Network of Institutions of Higher Ecumenical Theological Education (NIHETE). The inaugural meeting took place in Halle, Germany, in May 2016. NIHETE is an open platform of exchange on contents, methodologies and contexts of teaching ecumenism in the era of world Christianity.

Dr. Samuel George: „Alle mit einbeziehen“

Der Pressedienst des Ökumenischen Rates der Kirchen (ÖRK) traf sich am Rande der Konferenz für Weltmission und Evangelisation, die der ÖRK vom 8. bis 13. März in Tansania abhielt, mit Dr. Samuel George vom Ökumenischen Aktionsbündnis von und für Menschen mit Behinderungen (EDAN). George ist Theologieprofessor am Allahabad-Bibelseminar in Indien und war vom ÖRK eingeladen worden, im Rahmen der Konferenz zum Thema Behinderung zu sprechen.

Dr Samuel George: “Ensure all are included"

WCC News meet with Dr Samuel George of the WCC Ecumenical Disability Advocates Network (EDAN) at the Conference on World Mission and Evangelism (CWME), held in Tanzania from 8-13 March, World Council of Churches (WCC). George, a Christian theology professor at Allahabad Bible Seminary in India, was invited by the WCC to make presentations on disability in various parts of the conference.

Dr. Samuel George: “Velar por que todos estén incluidos"

La encargada de noticias del CMI se reunió con el Dr. Samuel George de la Red Ecuménica de Defensa de las Personas Discapacitadas del CMI (EDAN) en la Conferencia sobre Misión Mundial y Evangelización (CMME), celebrada en Tanzanía del 8 al 13 de marzo, organizada por el Consejo Mundial de Iglesias (CMI). El CMI invitó a Samuel George, un profesor de teología cristiana en el seminario sobre la biblia de Allahabad en la India, a presentar una ponencia sobre discapacidad en varias secciones de la conferencia.

Samuel George: «Garantir l'intégration de tous»

À l'occasion de la Conférence mondiale sur la mission et l'évangélisation (CWME), qui s'est tenue en Tanzanie du 8 au 13 mars dernier, le Conseil œcuménique des Églises (COE) a rencontré Samuel George, membre du Réseau œcuménique de défense des personnes handicapées (EDAN) du COE. Samuel George, professeur de théologie chrétienne au séminaire Allahabad Bible Seminary (Inde), était invité par le COE à intervenir sur le handicap lors de cette conférence.

Latin American, Caribbean theologians strengthen collaboration

Over 30 representatives of several theological institutions connected to the World Council of Churches programme of Ecumenical Theological Education (WCC-ETE) are gathered at the Faculty of Theology of the Methodist University of São Paulo, from 14-18 May, for the first Meeting on Ecumenical Theological Education of Latin America and the Caribbean in Global Dialogue.

Translating the Word, Transforming the World

An Ecumenical Reader

A stellar collection of nearly 30 of the most important, orienting documents of contemporary ecumenical and missiological reflection. Composed and compiled to serve as a textbook for the meeting of the Global Ecumenical Theological Institute, held in Arusha, Tanzania, in conjunction with the world conference of the Commission on World Mission and Evangelism in March 2018, the volume nurtures ecumenical theological formation with a contextual sensitivity yet a truly global focus.