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La Décennie œcuménique des Églises solidaires des femmes, 20 ans après

01 - 06 Oktober 2018

Dans le contexte du 70ᵉ anniversaire du COE, du Pèlerinage de justice et de paix et du Programme de développement durable à l’horizon 2030, un colloque international commémorera le 20ᵉ anniversaire de la fin de la Décennie œcuménique des Églises solidaires des femmes (1988-1998). Ce colloque vise à réfléchir à ce qui a été accompli et aux difficultés rencontrées pour édifier une communauté juste pour les femmes et pour les hommes ainsi qu’à renforcer la collaboration œcuménique en matière de lecture des signes de notre temps afin de définir l’orientation de nos futurs travaux.

Kingston, Jamaïque

70-jähriges Jubiläum des ÖRK in Amsterdam

23 August 2018

Mit einem Gottesdienst am 23. August in der aus dem 15. Jahrhundert stammenden Nieuwe Kirk in Amsterdam, Niederlande werden die Führungskräfte des Ökumenischen Rates der Kirchen genau an dem Ort das 70-jährige Bestehen des ÖRK feiern, an dem die Organisation gegründet wurde. Ein „Spaziergang der Ruhe/Walk of Peace“ durch Amsterdam und ein Symposium mit dem Thema „Gastfreundschaft auf dem Pilgerweg zu Friede und Gerechtigkeit“ an der Vrije Universiteit finden ebenfalls am selben Tag statt.

Amsterdam, Niederlande

WCC 70th anniversary in Amsterdam

23 August 2018

During a 23 August service in the Netherlands in the Nieuwe Kerk, a 15th-century church in Amsterdam, World Council of Churches leaders will celebrate the WCC’s 70th anniversary at the very spot in which the organization was founded.  A “Walk of Peace” through Amsterdam, and a symposium under the theme “Hospitality on a pilgrim's way to peace and justice”, at the Vrije Universiteit, will also be held on the same day.

Amsterdam, Netherlands

Celebración del 70º aniversario del CMI en Ámsterdam

23 August 2018

El 23 de agosto, durante un servicio de conmemoración en la Nieuwe Kerk, una iglesia del siglo XV de Ámsterdam (Países Bajos), los dirigentes del Consejo Mundial de Iglesias celebrarán el 70º aniversario del CMI exactamente en el mismo lugar donde se fundó la organización. Una marcha por la paz en Ámsterdam y un simposio bajo el tema “Hospitalidad en un camino de peregrinación hacia la paz y la justicia” en la Universidad de Vrije tendrán lugar ese mismo día.

Amsterdam, Netherlands

Célébration du 70e anniversaire du COE à Amsterdam

23 August 2018

Le 23 août prochain à Amsterdam, lors d'un service organisé dans la Nieuwe Kerk, une église du 15e siècle, les dirigeants du Conseil œcuménique des Églises célèbreront le 70e anniversaire de l'organisation, à l'endroit même où celle-ci a été fondée. Une «Marche pour la paix» à travers la capitale néerlandaise et un symposium sur le thème «L'hospitalité sur le chemin de la paix et de la justice» à l'Université Vrije d'Amsterdam auront également lieu le même jour.

Amsterdam, Netherlands

Translating the Word, Transforming the World

An Ecumenical Reader

A stellar collection of nearly 30 of the most important, orienting documents of contemporary ecumenical and missiological reflection. Composed and compiled to serve as a textbook for the meeting of the Global Ecumenical Theological Institute, held in Arusha, Tanzania, in conjunction with the world conference of the Commission on World Mission and Evangelism in March 2018, the volume nurtures ecumenical theological formation with a contextual sensitivity yet a truly global focus.

Youth in Asia Training for Religious Amity

07 - 20 Juli 2018

YATRA (Youth in Asia Training for Religious Amity) is an inter-religious training programme of the WCC. The intensive training course, held annually since 2014, seeks to enable young Christian leaders from Asian churches to contribute towards the building up of just, harmonious and peaceable communities by equipping them for ministries of justice and peace from an inter-religious perspective.

Hong Kong

International Review of Mission

International Review of Mission is the leading journal on missiology with contributions from all over the world and from various Christian backgrounds. Founded in 1912, it is published by the World Council of Churches, and focuses on the ecumenical theology and practice of mission.

Eco-School on Water, Food and Climate Justice

24 Juli - 03 August 2017

At its first Eco-School on Water, Food and Climate Justice, the WCC's Ecumenical Water Network (EWN) along with its Ecumenical Advocacy Alliance will bring together about 20 young people from the Africa region. Over a period of 10 days, in an ecumenical setting, participants will have the opportunity to study the local, regional, and international manifestations and causes of the water crisis and food security affected by climate change. They will examine the situation and challenges from a perspective of faith and ethics, and search together for possible ecumenical responses to these challenges.

Lilongwe, Malawi

Building Capacity for Ministry with Migrant Churches in Europe

01 - 03 September 2017

Europe is experiencing a new situation: while a majority of its populations have enjoyed decades of relative peace and stability, millions of people from conflict regions beyond its borders have sought refuge in various European countries. These global migration movements have profoundly tested societies on the European continent and prompted serious questions: How do we want to live together? Which values are our societies based on?

Geneva, Switzerland

Continuing formation on Health and Healing in Africa

10 - 16 Dezember 2017

The Continuing Formation on Health and Healing in Africa will give a space for young people to come together and discuss the role of the churches in addressing those issues and enabling young people to become actors of healing in their communities within the framework of the pilgrimage of justice and peace.

Kinshasa, D.R. Congo

Commission on Education and Ecumenical Formation meeting

09 - 13 Oktober 2017

The Commission on Education and Ecumenical Formation (CEEF) is the WCC's primary advisory body for the whole area of education, ecumenical formation and faith nurture. The CEEF develops priorities and methodologies in these areas, fosters networking, exchange and collaboration among ecumenical institutions and experts in the area of ecumenical formation.

Cluj, Romania

Global Ecumenical Theological Institute 2017

19 Mai - 01 Juni 2017

The Global Ecumenical Theological Institute 2017 is an ecumenical-theological initiative for education and encounter for advanced theology students from all over the world who are studying in Europe. The concrete encounter and joint studies will contribute to a European network of contacts and strengthen the mutual perception of European and migration churches. Participants shall study and experience horizons of an ecumenical theology and ecclesiology.

Berlin, Germany

Global Ecumenical Theological Institute 2018

05 - 13 März 2018

Das Global Ecumenical Theological Institute (GETI) ist ein ökumenisches Kurzzeit-Studienprogramm mit globaler Ausrichtung, dieses Mal im Zusammenhang mit der Weltmissionskonferenz 2018 in Arusha, Tansania.

Arusha, Tansania

Instituto Teológico Ecuménico Mundial 2018

05 - 13 März 2018

El Instituto Teológico Ecuménico Mundial (GETI, por sus siglas en inglés) ofrece un programa ecuménico global de estudio y exposición, de corto plazo, que esta vez contará con el acompañamiento de la Conferencia Misionera Mundial.

Arusha, Tanzania

CAS-Fortbildung Interreligiöse Studien

10 Juni - 19 Juli 2019

"Was können wir als gläubige Muslime, Juden und Christen tun, um mit den drängenden Problemen unserer Zeit wie Gewalt und Konflikt umzugehen und sie zu überwinden, und um gemeinsam auf Respekt und Zusammenarbeit gründende Gesellschaften aufzubauen, die zu gegenseitiger Rechenschaft bereit sind?" Fragen wie dieser werden sich bis zu 30 junge Erwachsene aus der ganzen Welt während eines Zertifikatslehrgangs (Certificate of Advanced Studies, CAS) am Ökumenischen Institut Bossey des Ökumenischen Rates der Kirchen (ÖRK) stellen.

Bossey, Schweiz

Engaging for Just and Participatory Societies – Belongingness in Judaism, Christianity and Islam

10 Juni - 19 Juli 2019

The Ecumenical Institute at Château de Bossey invites applications for the Certificate in Advanced Studies – Interreligious Studies, 2019. Intended for an international audience of young people interested and engaged in interreligious dialogue, the Ecumenical Institute's Certificate of Advanced Studies in Interreligious Studies includes lectures, courses, workshops and study visits to places of interreligious interest, and is accredited by the University of Geneva under the Swiss Higher Education Programme for Continuing Education.

Bossey, Switzerland