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WCC at the World Social Forum 2024

15 - 19 Februar 2024

The World Social Forum (WSF) 2024 is scheduled to take place from February 15-19 in Nepal. The WSF serves as an open space and platform for the convergence of a diverse range of participants, including social movements, laborers, farmers, civil society groups, marginalized communities, and those affected by the impacts of neoliberal capitalism and privatization. 

Kathmandu, Nepal

World AIDS Day prayer service

01 Dezember 2022

On 1 December, World AIDS Day will mark more than 40 years since the first outbreak of the epidemic; however, in 2021, every two minutes, an adolescent girl or young woman (15-24 years old) acquired HIV.

Geneva, Ecumenical Center - Zoom

Webinar: “Food from Oceans, Rivers and Lakes”

28 Januar 2022

A upcoming webinar will offer speakersinsights on Food from Oceans, Rivers and Lakes.” Offered on 28 January , the webinar will explore the vital role of blue, or aquatic, foods in the wellbeing and livelihood of 3 billion people in the world. But the health of the water bodies is being degraded by climate change,  pollution, unsustainable overfishing, and mining.


World AIDS Day 2018

03 Dezember 2018

Under the 2018 theme of "Know your status", World AIDS Day is an opportunity to remember the people who have been lost to the epidemic, to we give thanks for the progress made and make new commitments to ensuring no one is left behind.

Ecumenical Centre, Geneva

Weltgebetstag für ein Ende des Hungers

10 Juni 2018

Der Weltgebetstag für ein Ende des Hungers will ökumenische Partner und Glaubensgemeinschaften aus aller Welt zu einer gemeinsam betenden und spirituellen Bewegungen vereinen, um: durch Informationen und Empfehlungen zum Gebet, zur Reflexion und zu konkret-praktischem Engagement anzuregen; Bewusstsein zu schaffen für die Auswirkungen von Hunger für die am stärksten gefährdeten Kinder und Familien und dabei zu helfen, die Grundursachen zu bekämpfen; eine Vernetzung mit kirchlichen und anderen humanitären Organisationen zu ermöglichen, die sich derzeit in der Nothilfe engagieren, um kurzfristige Verbesserungen zu schaffen, und darüber hinaus langfristig positiven Wandel herbeizuführen, damit Kinder und Familien Gottes Plan von einem würdevollen Leben in einer friedlichen und gewaltfreien Zukunft verwirklichen können; Gemeinschaften und Gemeinden dabei zu unterstützen, sich gegenseitig im Gebet zu bedenken und sich gegenseitig zu unterstützen, indem Erfahrungen ausgetauscht und über Herausforderungen und Lösungsansätze berichtet wird.


Global Day of Prayer to End Famine

10 Juni 2018

The Global Day of Prayer to End Famine hopes to unite ecumenical partners and faith communities all over the world as a prayerful and spiritual movement to: encourage prayer, reflection and action with information and suggestions; bring awareness regarding famine’s impact on the most vulnerable children and families and to help address its root causes; connect with church-related and other humanitarian organizations that are currently working to bring immediate relief and positive long-term change so children and families can live out God’s aspiration for a dignified, peaceful and violence-free future; help communities and congregations to uphold each other in prayer and support, by sharing experiences, challenge and solutions.


Faith at AIDS 2018

21 - 27 Juli 2018

The faith-based response to HIV and AIDS has become more visible and integrated because of the increased engagement and coordination of faith-based representatives over the past International AIDS Conferences. A range of faith-based activities are now being planned for AIDS 2018 in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, 23-27 July 2018.

Amsterdam, Netherlands

Redesigning the Tree of Life: Synthetic Biology and the Future of Food

02 - 04 November 2017

Organized by the World Council of Churches and the Canadian Council of Churches on 2-4 November, in Toronto, Canada, "Redesigning the Tree of Life" is intended as a participatory learning conference, informed by expert presentations, with time to build relationships and shared learning that make future shared work possible.

Toronto, Canada

2017 Day of the African Child

16 Juni 2017

On 16 June 2017, the World Council of Churches Ecumenical Advocacy Alliance in partnership with the Kenya chapter of the International Network of Religious Leaders Living with or personally affected by HIV and AIDS (INERELA+ Kenya), along with many other organizations, is coordinating an event to highlight country-led action backed by global support. Religious leaders and leaders of faith-based organizations will remind governments of their commitments agreed in the June 2016 United Nations’ Political Declaration on HIV and AIDS that there should be “special emphasis on providing 1.6 million children (0-14 years of age) with antiretroviral therapy by 2018.”

Nairobi, Kenya