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South Sudan Council of Churches urges people to adhere to public health guidelines

The South Sudan Council of Churches, in a pastoral message on 13 May, acknowledged that COVID-19 is a reality in South Sudan, and urged every citizen to make a personal commitment to fight it. “Our people must for sure understand that basic preventive measures by individuals and communities remain the most powerful tools to prevent the spread of COVID-19,” reads the message. “Therefore, unless each and every person works hard enough to quickly control the spread of this virus, it is likely to overwhelm us.”

Afrikanische Kirchen waren auf COVID-19 vorbereitet

Die Weltgesundheitsorganisation (WHO) ist in großer Sorge über die Auswirkungen, die die neue Coronavirus-Pandemie auf dem afrikanischen Kontinent haben könnte. Die Kirchen in Afrika haben sich aber längst auf die Invasion des stummen und tödlichen Virus vorbereitet.