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Webinar explores “Two years after the death of George Floyd: Antiracism, #BLM and the United Nations”

A 25 May webinar explored the theme Two years after George Floyd’s death: Antiracism, #BLM and the United Nations.” As people continue to challenge the systemic racism that has devalued the lives of Black and Brown people globally, many are asking the question: how much progress have we seen in the last two years? why do some of these tragic events spark a stronger call for change than others?

En Amérique du Nord, les frontières peuvent-elles devenir des espaces partagés, même dans un contexte de racisme et de division ?

Lors d’une réunion œcuménique des responsables d’églises d’Amérique du Nord le 24 juin, les prières et les discussions ont porté sur des questions à la fois profondément douloureuses et apparemment insurmontables : le racisme, la division, la réticence à se faire vacciner, le génocide et la guerre. Mais l’espoir a fait son chemin dans le rassemblement virtuel, les participants se soutenant mutuellement pour trouver des solutions.

En América del Norte, ¿pueden las fronteras convertirse en espacios comunes, a pesar del racismo y la división?

Las oraciones y los debates de la reunión ecuménica de dirigentes de las iglesias norteamericanas celebrada el 24 de junio se centraron en cuestiones profundamente dolorosas y aparentemente irresolubles: el racismo, la división, las dudas sobre la vacunación, el genocidio, la guerra. Pero la esperanza logró infiltrarse en la reunión virtual y los participantes se apoyaron unos a otros para encontrar formas de avanzar.

Können Grenzen in Nordamerika angesichts von Rassismus und Spaltung zu einem gemeinsamen Raum werden?

Während einer ökumenischen Tagung nordamerikanischer Kirchenleitender am 24. Juni ging es bei den Gebeten und Diskussionen in erster Linie um Themen, die tief schmerzen und für die kaum eine Lösung vorstellbar ist: Rassismus, Spaltung, Impfzurückhaltung, Völkermord, Krieg. Diese virtuelle Tagung stand aber auch im Zeichen einer aufkeimenden Hoffnung und dem Willen der Teilnehmenden, sich auf dem weiteren Weg gegenseitig zu unterstützen.

US House panel advances historic effort to pay reparations to descendants of slaves

A House panel in the United States Congress advanced a decades-long effort to pay reparations to the descendants of slaves by approving legislation, commonly referred to as H.R. 40, on 15 April that would create a commission to study the issue. The “40” refers to the failed government effort to provide 40 acres (16 hectares) of land to newly freed slaves as the Civil War drew to a close.

It's the first time the House Judiciary Committee has acted on the legislation.

Rev. Dr Angelique Walker-Smith: From a Christian Pan African perspective, “who writes the stories?”

Rev. Dr Angelique Walker-Smith is senior associate for Pan African and Orthodox Church Engagement at Bread for the World. She also serves on the World Council of Churches (WCC) central committee. She recently participated in a rally and march in Washington, DC, where thousands gathered to commemorate the 57th anniversary of the March on Washington in 1963 that included Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s “I Have A Dream" speech.

Metropolitan Nicholovos: “We cannot afford to be bystanders”

In a lively online discussion entitled “Breaking Down the Walls,” the Northeast American Diocese of the Malankara Orthodox Syrian Church explored the racial injustices in our society, how racism plays a role in the Indian American community, and what Orthodox Christians can do.
Sunil Kurian, an attorney who resides in Philadelphia (USA) moderated the discussion, saying: “These are troubling times. We as Orthodox Christians must break down the walls of racism that separate us.”