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El CMI lamenta la pérdida del Rev. Dr. Soritua Albert Ernest Nababan

El arzobispo Rev. Dr. Soritua Albert Ernest Nababan, dirigente ecuménico mundial, falleció el 8 de mayo en Yakarta (Indonesia) a los 87 años. Fue presidente del Consejo Mundial de Iglesias (CMI) de 2006 a 2013 y sirvió como éforo (arzobispo) de la Huria Kristen Batak Protestan, la iglesia protestante más grande de Indonesia y la mayor iglesia luterana de Asia con cuatro millones de miembros.

Le COE déplore la perte du Pasteur Soritua Albert Ernest Nababan

L’archevêque Soritua Albert Ernest Nababan, leader œcuménique au niveau international, est décédé le 8 mai à Jakarta, en Indonésie, à l'âge de 88 ans. Il a été président du Conseil œcuménique des Églises (COE) de 2006 à 2013 et a été l'ancien éphore (archevêque) de l'Église chrétienne protestante Huria Kristen Batak, la plus grande église protestante d'Indonésie et la plus grande église luthérienne d'Asie avec 4 millions de membres.

Der ÖRK trauert um Pastor Dr. Soritua Albert Ernest Nababan

Erzbischof Pastor Dr. Soritua Albert Ernest Nababan, eine international bekannte ökumenische Führungspersönlichkeit, ist am 8. Mai in Jakarta, Indonesien, im Alter von 88 Jahren verstorben. Er war von 2006 bis 2013 Präsident des ökumenischen Rates der Kirchen (ÖRK) und hatte als Ephorus (Erzbischof) in der Huria Kristen Batak Protestan, der größten protestantischen Kirche in Indonesien und der größten lutherischen Kirche in Asien mit vier Millionen Mitgliedern, eine Führungsposition inne.

WCC mourns loss of Rev. Dr Soritua Albert Ernest Nababan

Archbishop Rev. Dr Soritua Albert Ernest Nababan, a global ecumenical leader, passed away on 8 May in Jakarta, Indonesia, at the age of 88. He was the World Council of Churches (WCC) president from 2006-2013 and served as the former Ephorus (Archbishop) of the Huria Kristen Batak Protestan, the largest Protestant church in Indonesia and the largest Lutheran church in Asia with a membership of 4 million people.

Easter at home: celebrations still bring joy thanks to creative delivery

As Christians across the world prepare to celebrate Easter shuttered in their homes, they will still find the joy of the day and feel closer to each other, thanks to creative thinking by church leaders.

From including photos of church members within webcast worship services, to placing written greetings at doorways, Easter celebrations can still safely connect people who want to celebrate the resurrection of their common Lord.

WCC, Christian Conference of Asia hold regional consultation on evangelism

The World Council of Churches (WCC) and the Christian Conference of Asia held a regional con-sultation on “Evangelism and Missional Witness in a Multi-religious Asia” from 29 November to 5 December. Convening in Chiang Mai, Thailand, the gathering explored evangelism as an effective means to extend and spread the good news. The WCC and the Christian Conference of Asia have a long his-tory and tradition of being deeply involved in mission and evangelism through different program-matic areas.

WCC, Christian Conference of Asia announce regional consultation on evangelism

The World Council of Churches (WCC) and the Christian Conference of Asia have announced a regional consultation on “Evangelism and Missional Witness in a Multi-religious Asia” from 29 November to 5 December. Convening in Chiang Mai, Thailand, the gathering will explore evangelism as an effective means to extend and spread the good news.

Echoes from Yangon

After six intensive days, offering plenty of food for thought, the Asia Mission Conference (AMC) in Yangon, Myanmar, came to an end with a sending out and closing session last Monday. With around 600 participants from all over the world – double from what was originally expected – the need to discuss, learn about and elaborate around mission was clearly affirmed.

Conversion by heart

For Prof. Dr. Mathew Chandrankunnel, the Asia Mission Conference is a big celebration of ecumenism, with churches from Asia and all over the world coming together expressing the call of Jesus. As director of the Ecumenical Christian Centre in Bangalore, India, he appreciates the initiative to bring member churches, faith organizations and partners together to revive mission.

Tveit: „Einheit und Mission gehören zusammen“

In einem Hauptreferat würdigte ÖRK-Generalsekretär Pastor Dr. Olav Fykse Tveit am Sonntag in Rangun, Myanmar, die Asiatische Christliche Konferenz für ihr jahrelanges Engagement für die Ökumene und die Mission sowie für ihre Bemühungen, auf dem Kontinent christliche Kirchen zu vereinen.

Tveit: “unity and mission belong together"

In a keynote speech in Yangon, Myanmar on Sunday, WCC general secretary Rev. Dr Olav Fykse Tveit praised the Christian Conference of Asia (CCA) for its longstanding commitment to ecumenism and mission, and its efforts to unite Christian churches on the continent.

Olav Fykse Tveit: “La unidad y la misión son inseparables”

En su discurso inaugural en Yangón (Myanmar) el pasado domingo, el Rev. Dr. Olav Fykse Tveit, secretario general del CMI, elogió a la Conferencia Cristiana de Asia (CCA) por su larga trayectoria de compromiso con el ecumenismo y la misión, y por sus esfuerzos para unir a las iglesias cristianas del continente.

Pasteur Tveit: «mission et unité sont inséparables»

Dans un discours prononcé à Yangon, au Mynanmar, Olav Fykse Tveit, secrétaire général du COE a rendu hommage à la Conférence chrétienne d’Asie (CCA) pour son engagement de longue date envers l’œcuménisme et la mission, et pour ses efforts visant à unir les Églises chrétiennes du continent.

Gut besuchte Missionskonferenz in Rangun, Myanmar eröffnet

Mehr als 500 Delegierte aus aller Welt haben sich heute Morgen zur Eröffnung der Asia Mission Conference (AMC) in Rangun, Myanmar versammelt. Diese Konferenz ist die vierte ihrer Art seit der Gründung der Christian Conference of Asia (Asiatische Christliche Konferenz) im Jahre 1957 und stellt eine bedeutende Gelegenheit dar, gemeinsam mit Kirchen, aus dem Glauben handelnden Organisationen und Partnern über das Thema Mission in einem asiatischen Kontext zu sprechen.

Well attended mission conference opens in Yangon, Myanmar

More than 500 participants from all over the world gathered this morning for the opening of the Asia Mission Conference in Yangon, Myanmar. The conference, the fourth of its kind since the founding of the Christian Conference of Asia in 1957, marks an important opportunity to bring together churches, faith-based organizations and partners to reflect upon mission in an Asian context. The conference is organized by CCA and hosted by the the Myanmar Council of Churches and Myanmar Baptist Convention, both CCA members.