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Bossey students to visit Rome, share common Christian heritage

Students from the World Council of Churches (WCC) Bossey Ecumenical Institute will begin an 8-day study visit to Rome on 19 January, with a full programme that includes lectures, tours of the Vatican, and opportunities to interact with leaders from the Dicastery for Promoting Christian Unity.

Christ’s Love Moves the World to Reconciliation and Unity: Report of the WCC 11th Assembly

The Report of the WCC 11th Assembly is an important element of a wider collection of resources that offers a flavour of what took place at the assembly in Karlsruhe in 2022, which gathered more than 4500 people, including 659 official delegates from the WCC’s 352 member churches around the theme “Christ’s love moves the world to reconciliation and unity.”

This report includes an overview of the assembly, the message and unity statement, various reflections, an overview of the spiritual life of the assembly, reports of the work since the previous assembly, an overview of thematic plenaries and ecumenical conversations, reports of assembly committees, statements and minutes, messages from pre-assemblies, greetings to the assembly and various appendices.

Report on the Ecumenical Conversations at the WCC 11th Assembly

This book is a collection of all the reports of 23 ecumenical conversations addressing different issues pertinent to the unity of churches and their common witness and service to the world that took place at the WCC's 11th Assembly in Karlsruhe. It presents the deliberations and the ensuing affirmations and challenges that the participants saw as imperatives for the work of the WCC and the wider ecumenical movement in the 2023-2030 strategic period until the 12th Assembly takes place. 

The report from each conversation contains an abstract, short notes on the proceedings, and a list of key affirmations and challenges to guide the fellowship in reflecting and acting on the issues identified.

Con motivo de la celebración de Pan Para el Mundo de sus 70 años de concesión de becas, el CMI agradece por todos los lazos construidos

La organización Pan Para el Mundo (Brot für die Welt) celebró 70 años de servicio a la iglesia y el ecumenismo a través de su programa de becas intereclesiásticas, y el Secretario General del Consejo Mundial de Iglesias (CMI), Revdo. Prof. Dr. Jerry Pillay, expresó su agradecimiento por los 3 500 graduados/as y beneficiarios/as desde 1952.

Pandemic and pedagogy: what are the valuable lessons?

Rev. Prof. Dr Benjamin Simon, World Council of Churches programme executive for Ecumenical Theological Education, offered reflections after a December hybrid conference entitled Theological Education: Pandemic and Pedagogy,” held at the Trinity Theological Seminary in Accra, Ghana. The conference was co-organized by the World Council of Churches (WCC), World Communion of Reformed Churches, Lutheran World Federation, and Evangelische Mission Weltweit. The conference drew more than 80 participants from all over the world.

Theological education in Africa promotes social transformation

A Theological Education by Extension programme in Africa aims to reach many people who can collectively drive social transformation. This was affirmed during the All Africa Theological Education by Extension Association 5th Quadrennial Conference in Kigali, Rwanda, 24-28 October.

El amor de Cristo elimina las fronteras: el Instituto Teológico Ecuménico Mundial 2022 en imágenes

El GETI 2022, la tercera iteración mundial del Instituto Teológico Ecuménico Mundial (GETI, por su sigla en inglés), reunió a unos cien jóvenes teólogos de todo el mundo durante seis semanas de intenso intercambio y aprendizaje ecuménico. Las primeras cuatro semanas tuvieron lugar en línea, y las dos últimas, de forma presencial, durante la 11ª Asamblea del Consejo Mundial de Iglesias (CMI) en Karlsruhe (Alemania).