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Relance de la campagne ZacTax en Afrique

«La justice fiscale est une question de foi», déclare Suzanne Matale. «La foi permet [à tous et à toutes] d’avoir la vie en abondance. Les personnes ordinaires ont le droit d’être informées et de participer aux prises de décision qui touchent à notre dignité donnée par Dieu».

ZacTax Campaign relaunched in Africa

“Tax justice is a matter of faith,” said Suzanne Matale. “By faith, [all] are entitled to abundant life. Ordinary people have a right to know and to participate in decision-making tables that affect our own God-given dignity.”

Un colloque œcuménique de réflexion théologique sur l’écologie

Un colloque en ligne de trois jours, du 11 au 13 février, organisé par le Conseil œcuménique des Églises (COE) et le Séminaire œcuménique et francophone de théologie de l’écologie, a rassemblé des personnalités autour du thème «Penser les relations écologiques à l’ère de l’anthropocène».

Le «Sokoni» transforme le marché en lieu de mission

Autour de la Conférence mondiale sur la mission et l’évangélisation (CME), plusieurs expositions ont été présentées par différents groupes et individus, avec des étals d’articles colorés à vendre: sacs, vêtements traditionnels, chaussures, bijoux et art.

“Only through shared progress can we be free from hunger and inequity”

This week world leaders are gathered in Davos under the very theme of “Creating a Shared Future in a Fractured World”. They do so at a time when we see poverty amongst plenty; hunger and thirst in the midst of abundance; shocking disparities in the quality of life between neighboring communities: real problems that the world has the potential and the possibilities to resolve.

Ecumenical groups join in UN forum on business and human rights in Geneva

The huge impacts of businesses on the communities in which they operate often bring benefits, but companies can disregard and even harm people’s rights in pursuit of economic gain. The WCC, ACT Alliance and the Lutheran World Federation hosted a side event at the 6th United Nations Forum on Business and Human Rights in Geneva on 28 November, in this context.

Applications open for WCC Eco-School

The first ever WCC Eco-School on Water, Food and Climate Justice will be held 24 July to 3 August, hosted by the Church of Central Africa Presbyterian Blantyre Synod. Applications are now open with a deadline of 11 June (deadline extended).

Faith communities explore concrete climate action at COP22

Joining efforts to explore how to move from dependency on fossil fuel to a sustainable future, faith representatives gathered at the Indonesian Pavilion at COP22 in Marrakech, Morocco on 8 November, for an event hosted by the Indonesian Ministry of Environment and Forestry.