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Afrikanisches Kirchenoberhaupt: Auch wenn Millionen von Menschen wegen COVID-19 vom Hungertod bedroht sind, kann der Hunger besiegt werden.

Während die UN darauf aufmerksam macht, dass die Coronavirus-Pandemie zu einer „großflächigen Hungersnot biblischen Ausmaßes“ führen wird, durch die Millionen von Menschen vom Hungertod bedroht sind, betonte ein hochrangiges Oberhaupt der Christen in Afrika, dass es möglich sei, den Hunger, der so viele Menschen auf dem afrikanischen Kontinent unterjoche, zu besiegen.

Mientras la COVID-19 deja a millones de personas al borde de la inanición, un líder de la iglesia africana afirma que el hambre es un desafío superable

Al tiempo que la ONU advierte que la pandemia del coronavirus está llevando a millones de personas al borde de la inanición en una “hambruna generalizada de proporciones bíblicas”, un alto dirigente cristiano de África ha subrayado que es posible vencer el hambre, un yugo que esclaviza a muchas personas en su continente.

Bien que des millions de personnes risquent la famine avec le COVID-19, il est possible de vaincre la faim selon un responsable d’Église africaine

Alors que les Nations Unies tirent la sonnette d’alarme face aux millions de personnes poussées par la pandémie de coronavirus au bord d’une «famine généralisée aux proportions bibliques», un haut responsable chrétien en Afrique insiste sur la possibilité de vaincre la faim, sous le joug de laquelle se trouvent de nombreuses personnes sur le continent.

Amid interventions, Congolese Ebola marches to Uganda

As Congolese churches, the United Nations and international medical organizations continued to move to stop the spread of a 40-month Ebola virus epidemic, new cases have been confirmed in Uganda, igniting fears that the deadly disease is on the march.

Knowledge of gender roles deepens in Togo

Pastors, supervisors, teachers, counselors, chaplains and youth from primary schools, universities, theological institutions, and churches met from 23-24 May at the Theresia Residency in Togo to reflect and deepen their knowledge on masculinities, femininities and HIV.

Faith and HIV treatment go hand in hand

For HIV-infected people in Nairobi, the Eastern Deanery Aids Relief Program makes a difference. By providing a quarter of the antiretroviral therapy care, it helps around 26,000 HIV-infected people in the Kenyan capital to live normal lives.

Dr Cecile De Sweemer, the doer of God

Dr Cecile De Sweemer, who served as staff of the Christian Medical Commission of the World Council of Churches (WCC) from 1982 to 1986, died on the 27 November in Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). De Sweemer, a Belgian medical doctor with a doctorate in International Health from Johns Hopkins University, with extensive experience in Asia and Africa, was a dedicated and compassionate physician.

“Facing the storm of HIV, we can move together, be agents of change”

Taking place on 4-8 September in Kampala, Uganda, a WCC and UNAIDS regional consultation on HIV Treatment Adherence and Faith Healing in Africa has gathered to address issues of “faith-healing only” practices in the context of HIV and AIDS. At the core is the question of how religious leaders can partner with governmental organizations nationally and internationally, as well as with other parts of civil society to develop strategies to advocate for HIV treatment adherence, and to build bridges to those among faith-healing only practitioners who are open to dialogue.