Mostrando 161 - 180 de 1604

ÖRK ruft dringend zu sofortigem Waffenstillstand in Israel und Palästina auf

Der Ökumenische Rat der Kirchen (ÖRK) verfolgt die Entwicklungen in Israel und Palästina seit dem Ausbruch der Feindseligkeiten am 7. Oktober aufmerksam, nachdem Berichten zufolge aus dem Gazastreifen Tausende von Raketen auf Israel abgefeuert wurden und bewaffnete Hamas-Kämpfer in den Süden Israels eingedrungen sind. Israels Ministerpräsident hat den Kriegszustand erklärt.

Le COE lance un appel urgent pour un cessez-le-feu immédiat en Israël et en Palestine

Le Conseil œcuménique des Églises (COE) suit de près l’évolution de la situation en Israël et en Palestine depuis l’éclatement des hostilités le 07 octobre, à la suite des milliers de tirs de roquette rapportés depuis Gaza sur Israël et de l’infiltration d’hommes armés du Hamas au sud d’Israël. Le Premier ministre israélien a déclaré que son pays est en guerre.

WCC urgently appeals for immediate ceasefire in Israel and Palestine

The World Council of Churches (WCC) is following closely the developments in Israel and Palestine since the outbreak of hostilities on 7 October, following the reported launch of thousands of rockets from Gaza into Israel, and the infiltration of southern Israel by Hamas gunmen. Israel’s prime minister has declared that the country is at war.

WCC to host screening of film “Our Land of Olives and Vines”

The World Council of Churches will host the screening of a 10-minute movie “Our Land of Olives and Vines,” featuring Al Makhrour in Beit Jala, the last green area—rich in olive trees, fruits, and apricots—left in Bethlehem, and very connected to the heritage and future of Palestinian Christians.

Looking for light at the end of the tunnel

My experience with Israel’s Interior Ministry began more than 25 years ago, whereby I have been seeking an ID card for my wife who hails from the West Bank. I am a Palestinian from East Jerusalem and I have an Israeli ID card—which gives me the status of a foreign resident in the city of my ancestors and where I was born. 

Give me my life, let me live

Christine, 23, is from the West Bank. She met a young man from Jerusalem when she was studying at one of the Palestinian universities in the West Bank. As their emotions towards each other grew by time and a sincere love flourished into their hearts, they decided to get engaged. At this point, they didn’t think of any barriers that might stand in front of them. 

بطريرك القدس لمجلس الكنائس العالمي: مدينة بيت لحم وكنيستها هما علامة أمل للعائلة البشرية بأكملها

"بيت لحم وكنيستها هما علامة أمل، ليس لمجتمع أو كنيسة محددة، ولكن للعائلة البشرية بأكملها" ، هذا ما قاله غبطة بطريرك القدس وعموم فلسطين "ثيوفيلوس الثالث" أمام تجمّع في مجلس الكنائس العالمي في جنيف.