Mostrando 241 - 260 de 263

The Ecumenical Review

The Ecumenical Review explores emerging issues within the ecumenical movement and the potential and reality of Christian cooperation in faith and action.

The Ecumenical Review

The Ecumenical Review explores emerging issues within the ecumenical movement and the potential and reality of Christian cooperation in faith and action.

The Ecumenical Review

The Ecumenical Review explores emerging issues within the ecumenical movement and the potential and reality of Christian cooperation in faith and action.

Education for Peace in a Multi-Religious World

A Christian Perspective

Encouraging churches and Christian organizations to reflect on the structural roots of what has led to the disruption of peace in the world, and on their own current practices and priorities in relation to education and peacemaking.

Come and See

A Theological Invitation
 to the Pilgrimage of Justice and Peace.

Faith and Order Paper No. 224.

This document invites the churches to explore the ways that “pilgrimage” can help the churches deepen and express the commitment to oneness in their work.

Current dialogue

Current Dialogue is the World Council of Churches’ journal on interreligious dialogue, offering a platform for debate to those who want to build bridges across religious divides and to their partners of different faiths.

Walking Together

Theological Reflections on the Ecumenical Pilgrimage of Justice and Peace

What does it mean to go on pilgrimage?  And further: what does it mean for Christians around the world to understand their discipleship in terms of pilgrimage in God’s realm of justice and peace?

This engaging and inspiring volume, developed by the Theological Study Group of the World Council of Church’s Pilgrimage of Justice and Peace, takes stock of the spiritual, social, and theological meanings of this global ecumenical initiative and its relevance to different regional, confessional, and generational contexts. The thirteen contributions are enlivened by personal stories of the authors and perspectives of the traditions they represent, and the volume offers constructive ways in which Christians can renew their notion of what it means to be authentically church today.

Pilgrimage of Faith

Introducing the World Council of Churches
Donald W. Norwood

Donald Norwood traces the history of the World Council of Churches from its roots in pre-World War I Europe through the story of its ten successive assemblies. Published in the Council’s 70th anniversary year, this is a timely reminder not only of WCC’s rich history but also of its significance for member churches and the broader world in the 21st century.

International Review of Mission

International Review of Mission is the leading journal on missiology with contributions from all over the world and from various Christian backgrounds. Founded in 1912, it is published by the World Council of Churches, and focuses on the ecumenical theology and practice of mission.

Divine Hospitality

A Christian-Muslim Conversation
Fadi Daou
Nayla Tabbara

In face of unprecedented awareness of religious diversity, as well as the dangers of conflict, interreligious dialogue has become vital. Yet, these authors maintain, it is the commitment to think together about religious faith and our inherited traditions that genuinely moves mutual understanding to new levels.

Ein Gespräch mit dem äthiopischen Patriarchen Abune Matthias

Der Patriarch der Äthiopischen Orthodoxen Kirche Tewahedo, Seine Heiligkeit Abune Matthias, besuchte am 9. und 10. Februar 2017 den Ökumenischen Rat der Kirchen (ÖRK) und lieferte einige Denkanstöße, nicht nur über die prägende Geschichte und die Traditionen dieser alten Kirche, sondern auch zu ihrer Rolle in der äthiopischen Gesellschaft und der ökumenischen Landschaft im weiteren Sinne. Abune Matthias wurde im Jahr 2013 ins Amt gewählt, nachdem er bereits sein ganzes Leben, während einer besonders tumultreichen Zeit, im Dienst in der Kirche, in ihren Klöstern und Schulen verbracht hatte. Die Kirche zählt rund 50 Millionen Mitglieder, mehrere Millionen davon leben außerhalb Äthiopiens. Im Land selbst gehört ihr ungefähr die Hälfte der Bevölkerung an. Im folgenden Gespräch erläutert der Patriarch seine Gedanken.

An interview with the Ethiopian Patriarch, Abune Matthias

The visit 9-10 February 2017 to the World Council of Churches by the Patriarch of the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church, H.H. Abune Matthias, occasioned reflection on the distinctive history and traditions of that ancient church, as well as its role in Ethiopian society and in the larger ecumenical landscape. Coming to his work from a lifetime of service in the church and its monasteries and schools during an especially turbulent time, Abune Matthias was elected in 2013. The church numbers about 50 million members, including several million outside Ethiopia itself, where it accounts for about half the population. What follows is a brief interview with the Patriarch.

Entrevista con el patriarca etíope Abune Matías

La visita del patriarca de la Iglesia Ortodoxa Tewahedo de Etiopía, S. S. Abune Matías, al Consejo Mundial de Iglesias (CMI) el 9 y 10 de febrero de 2017 motivó la reflexión sobre la singular historia y tradiciones de esa antigua iglesia y sobre su papel en la sociedad etíope y en el panorama ecuménico más amplio. Abune Matías fue elegido en 2013 tras una vida de servicio en la iglesia y sus monasterios y escuelas durante una época especialmente turbulenta. La iglesia cuenta con unos cincuenta millones de miembros, incluyendo a varios millones fuera de Etiopía, país donde representa aproximadamente a la mitad de la población. A continuación, les presentamos una breve entrevista con el patriarca.

Entrevue avec le patriarche de l’Église éthiopienne orthodoxe, Abune Matthias

Lors de sa visite au Conseil œcuménique des Églises (COE) les 9 et 10 février 2017, le patriarche de l’Église orthodoxe Tewahedo d’Éthiopie, Sa Sainteté Abune Matthias, a engagé une réflexion sur l’histoire particulière et les traditions de cette ancienne Église, ainsi que sur son rôle dans la société éthiopienne et dans le paysage œcuménique plus largement. Abune Matthias a dédié sa vie à servir l’Église, ses monastères et ses écoles, à une époque particulièrement agitée ; il a été élu patriarche en 2013. L’Église compte environ 50 millions de membres, dont plusieurs millions en dehors de l’Éthiopie elle-même, où elle représente près de la moitié de la population. Voici une brève entrevue avec le patriarche.

Hosanna! Ecumenical Songs for Justice and Peace

Perhaps the greatest treasure of the ecumenical movement lies in its gatherings of songs, prayers, and other liturgical resources from around the Christian world. Now, adding to this wealth, come these 70 songs from composers around the world. Inspired by the WCC’s 10th Assembly, these songs of praise, adoration, struggle, mission, faith and hope constitute a deep resource for the pilgrimage of justice and peace. They are here published in English, French, Spanish, and German, with other languages, introduced by Andrew Donaldson, and augmented by recorded performances available online.

Many yet One? Multiple Religious Belonging

Multiple Religious Belonging
Peniel Jesudason Rufus Rajkumar
Joseph Prabhakar Dayam

Exploring hybridity, embracing hospitality— While we tend to think of religions as distinct, univocal, even competing traditions, the phenomenon of multiple religious belonging is widespread, both historically and today. Alive to a variety of traditions and regions, this volume explores the reality of religious hybridity—whether because of cultural inheritance, family circumstances, or explicit choice— its confounding of traditional categories in theology and the study of religion, and its meaning for Christian theology. Even as it complexifies the idea of religious identity, the authors show, it enriches our understanding of ultimate reality and the whole range of practices by which humans relate to it.