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Medicines Patent Pool, ViiV Healthcare expand licensing agreement

The World Council of Churches – Ecumenical Advocacy Alliance (WCC-EAA) welcomes the 25 April announcement by the Medicines Patent Pool (MPP) and ViiV Healthcare of the geographic extension of their licensing agreement for dolutegravir (DTG) to cover all remaining lower middle-income countries (LMICs). The amendment to the 2014 licence specifically allows generic medicine distribution in four countries with patents – Armenia, Moldova, Morocco and Ukraine – that were not covered in the initial agreement. Dolutegravir is a promising new treatment that was included in the latest WHO guidelines as first- and third-line treatment.

Le COE observe la Journée mondiale de la santé, qui coïncide avec la publication du premier rapport mondial sur le diabète de l’OMS

La Journée mondiale de la santé, le 7 avril, est consacrée cette année au diabète. L’Organisation mondiale de la santé (OMS) vient de publier son premier rapport mondial sur le diabète, qui révèle que le nombre d’adultes diabétiques dans le monde a presque quadruplé depuis 1980: 422 millions de personnes sont concernées, soit 8,5 % de la population adulte mondiale.

Voices from HIV workshop reflect deep impact

As participants in a workshop on HIV offered their personal reflections, they shared how their hearts have been deepened and changed by a dialogue facilitated by the National Council of Churches in the Philippines (NCCP).

Workshop in Philippines equips women religious leaders for ecumenical HIV response

“I came here to know the difference between HIV and AIDS, and to distinguish the role of women, especially women pastors, in educating, empowering, and enlightening people in her flock about their view on HIV,” said Rev. Mary Ann Kadile, a pastor from the United Church of Christ in the Philippines. She traveled from Mindanao to San Pablo City, Laguna to participate in a workshop on HIV led by the National Council of Churches in the Philippines.

Aux Philippines, un atelier forme des dirigeantes d’Église à une démarche œcuménique face au VIH

«Je suis venue ici pour apprendre la différence entre le VIH et le sida et pour distinguer le rôle spécifique des femmes, en particulier des pasteures, pour éduquer, responsabiliser et éclairer leurs ouailles à propos de leur conception du VIH», déclare la pasteure Mary Ann Kadile, de l’Église unie du Christ aux Philippines. Elle a fait le voyage de Mindanao à San Pablo City, dans la province de Laguna, pour participer à un atelier sur le VIH organisé par le Conseil national des Églises aux Philippines (NCCP).

Churches commit to “All In!” campaign to end adolescent AIDS

Sexual and reproductive health services must be not just "youth-friendly" but also “male- and female-friendly" and "youth participatory" so that young men and women gain access to the information and services they need and want, agreed adolescents who attended a workshop in Lomé, Togo on 24-25 March.

Les Églises s’engagent dans la campagne All In! pour mettre fin au sida chez les adolescentes et adolescents

Les services de santé sexuelle et reproductive ne doivent pas seulement être «accueillants pour les jeunes» mais aussi «accueillants pour les garçons et les filles» et «ouverts à la participation» de la jeunesse, afin que les jeunes hommes et femmes aient accès aux services et informations dont ils ont besoin et qu’ils veulent obtenir – tel est le souhait exprimé par les adolescents et adolescentes qui ont participé à un atelier à Lomé (Togo) les 24 et 25 mars.

Person with disability shares reflection on AIDS conference

“Disability does not mean inability! Human rights for all! Equality and access to good health care! Leave no one behind!” Slogans were plentiful at the 18th International Conference on AIDS and STIs. Some participants felt that the conference venue sadly belied these clarion calls as it was ill-equipped to handle the mobility and access needs of persons with disabilities.

Overcoming discrimination to address HIV in Zimbabwe

“Stigma, discrimination, lack of access to information and appropriate prevention measures aggravate the spread of HIV and AIDS,” says Samuel Matsikure, who participated in a dialogue sponsored by Ecumenical HIV and AIDS Initiatives and Advocacy of the WCC.