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Tapestry artist Janine Marja Schneider sews regret, hope, and love into “Waterfall of Solidarity and Resistance”

As Brazilian artist Janine Marja Schneider pieces together the Waterfall of Solidarity and Resistance” tapestry, she brings mixed emotions to her endeavors. On one hand, shes inspired to bring the stories of women from around the world to life on the colorful blocks that cascade downward like liquid. On the other hand, with every stitch, she more deeply absorbs what brings these women together: it’s what theyve survived.

WCC stands in solidarity with victims of major flood in Brazil

“In the midst of death and trauma caused by this terrible event, let us bring our intercessions together, praying that the God of Life will comfort the ones who lost their loved ones and give strength to those involved in the actions of solidarity with the victims,” said Rev. Prof. Dr Ioan Sauca, acting general secretary of the World Council of Churches, as a torrential rainfall took the lives of over 100 people in Petrópolis, Brazil.

Hoping against hope

The same week Brazil reached half a million deaths by COVID-19, my parents got the first dose of the vaccine. On my way to work, I pass through a vaccination post full of people, and through a cemetery full of grief. The past year and few months were a mix of fear, indignation and anger for me. But also a time where I saw generosity and hope bloom.

Un séminaire organisé sur le thème «Tragédie brésilienne: un risque pour notre maison commune?»

Du 4 au 6 mai, le séminaire international en ligne «Tragédie brésilienne : un risque pour notre maison commune?» a rassemblé des responsables religieux ainsi que des leaders des droits sociaux et humains et des experts renommés pour analyser de quelle manière le processus de déconstruction de la démocratie qui s’est opéré au Brésil ces dernières années a entraîné le pays dans de nombreuses crises.

Seminar befasst sich mit der „Brasilianischen Tragödie: eine Gefahr für unser gemeinsames Haus?“

Ein internationales Online-Seminar mit dem Titel „Die brasilianische Tragödie:  eine Gefahr für unser gemeinsames Haus?“ hat leitenden Kirchenverantwortlichen sowie Führungspersonen sozialer Gruppen und Menschenrechtsorganisationen gemeinsam mit prominenten Fachleuten während eines Online-Seminars vom 4.–6. Mai die Gelegenheit gegeben, darüber zu diskutieren, wie der Prozess der Dekonstruktion der Demokratie in Brasilien in den vergangenen Jahren das Land in mehrere Krisen gesteuert hat.

An exercise in hoping

I’m writing this text exactly one year after Brazil declared quarantine, on 16 March. Last year we went into quarantine thinking it would only be two weeks at home, and maybe a few months of wearing masks and sanitizing our hands. I’m the first to confess that I’ve underestimated the virus. However, we all know that is not how it went. Month after month went by - the internet joked about how could it possibly be August already, when last week was March?

Campanha da Fraternidade Ecumênica traz “forte sinal de esperança e reconciliação”, afirma secretário-geral interino do CMI

Para marcar o início da Campanha da Fraternidade Ecumênica no Brasil, o Secretário-Geral Interino do Conselho Mundial de Igrejas, Rev. Dr. Ioan Sauca, compartilhou sua esperança de que a campanha trará uma oportunidade única de expressar solidariedade e apoio concretos ao trabalho das igrejas engajadas na expressão da unidade Cristã.