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Humanitarian zones resist violence in Colombia

They are called Pueblo Nuevo (new town), Bella Flor (beautiful flower), Nueva Esperanza (new hope), El Tesoro (the treasure). Names that clearly show what "humanitarian zones" mean to the people who live there. Hundreds of families displaced by violence in Colombia's rural areas are trying to rebuild their lives in these zones while at the same time demanding the return of their land.

Zonas humanitarias resisten a la violencia en Colombia

Se llaman Pueblo Nuevo, Bella Flor, Nueva Esperanza, El Tesoro. Nombres que hablan a las claras de lo que las 'zonas humanitarias' significan para sus habitantes. En ellas, cientos de familias desplazadas por la violencia en áreas rurales de Colombia intentan reconstruir sus vidas a la vez que reclaman la restitución de sus tierras.

En Teherán, un simposio cristiano-musulmán afirma el diálogo y critica a los medios de comunicación

La participación equitativa y el compartir la responsabilidad en la sociedad son las bases de una coexistencia pacífica entre cristianos y musulmanes, afirmaron los participantes en un simposio interreligioso celebrado la semana pasada en Teherán, Irán. Destacaron el valor que tiene el aprender de la fe de los otros y criticaron a los "medios de información irresponsables".

Mensaje de Navidad 2008 del secretario general del Consejo Mundial de Iglesias

"Y el Verbo se hizo carne y habitó entre nosotros lleno de gracia y de verdad; y vimos su gloria, gloria como del unigénito del Padre."                                                                                  (Juan 1:14)

AACC asks African Union to intensify pressure on Robert Mugabe

The AACC Assembly adopted a statement of concern on Thursday 11 December on the crisis in Zimbabwe, expressing displeasure that "President Mugabe is using power-sharing negotiations as a strategy for wasting time" while "acts of violence continue to be committed against those who do not support ZANU-PF", Mugabe's ruling party. The will of the Zimbabwe people as expressed in March 2008 elections has been thwarted, the Assembly said, and international leaders and churches "have failed to bring about an amicable solution".

WCC delegation at UN conference calls for faith in the feasibility of climate justice

In a statement to the plenary of high-level segment of the United Nations Climate Change Conference in Poznań, Poland on Friday, 12 December, a delegation representing the World Council of Churches (WCC) will tell government representatives that a "much more principle-based approach is crucial for reaching an effective and equitable global climate policy regime built on the ethical imperatives of justice, equity and solidarity."

World religious leaders commit to uphold human rights

WCC general secretary Rev. Dr Samuel Kobia was one of ten world religious leaders who signed a statement entitled "Faith in Human Rights" at an International Inter-religious Conference in The Hague, Netherlands on Wednesday, 10 December.

Kobia to preach at AACC closing worship

Rev. Dr Samuel Kobia, general secretary of the World Council of Churches (WCC), will offer the sermon at the assembly's closing service of worship on Friday. The service will culminate in the induction of the Rev. Dr Andre Karamaga as the AACC's new general secretary. Kobia will preach on the first chapter of Joshua in which God promises the new leader, "I will be with you as I was with Moses," and commands him to "be strong, and be courageous!"