The Conference is in the tradition of the International Mission Council and the World Council of Churches’ (WCC) Commission on World Mission and Evangelism (CWME). Mission Conferences are held roughly every decade.
The conference understood mission as multivalent. That includes joyful witness to the person of Jesus Christ and his gospel; commitment to working for justice and reconciliation among all peoples; and participation in interfaith, secular, and ecumenical dialogue that seeks mutual understanding and common witness. It celebrated the unity of all peoples as it marveled at their God-given diversity. It reflected on issues of missionary practice and sought new ways of being faithful to God’s mission with the leading of the Spirit.
It was an ecumenical conference so those attending were an active representation of mainline Protestant, Orthodox, Roman Catholic, Evangelical, Pentecostal, and African Instituted churches. Efforts were made to engage delegates in an open, loving, and honest dialogue. As the Conference was in Africa for the first time since 1958, the spirit of African rhythms, music, and art pervaded.
The conference sought to attend to the signs of the times that particularly affected African peoples and lands. It promoted the contribution of the African context to current understandings of mission, and to shaping mission theology and future practice.
Dates: 8-13 March 2018
Venue: Ngurdotu Mountain Lodge & Conference Centre, Arusha, Tanzania
Photos from the conference