For more than 50 years, the member churches of the WCC and the Roman Catholic Church have jointly fostered unity, theological reflection, and solidarity in service.
The Roman Catholic Church is the largest, by far, among those churches that are not members of the WCC. Cooperation between the Roman Catholic Church and the WCC continues to grow across all aspects of the WCC’s work for a common Christian witness and service, especially following the visit of Pope Francis to the WCC in June 2018. The Joint Working Group, co-sponsored by the WCC and the Roman Catholic Church, is an effective tool to strengthen this cooperation.
Created in 1965, immediately following the Second Vatican Council, the group brings together its 20 members annually; an executive group meets twice in between. The group’s two co-secretaries – one from the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity and one representing the WCC – help to coordinate contact between the WCC and the departments (or dicasteries) of the Vatican.