Displaying 1 - 20 of 103

From generation to generation

The mountaintop is a holy place. The valleys below are distant, and the weight of daily life feels momentarily lifted. In scripture, its where humanity and the divine meet: Moses conversed with God amidst fire and cloud on Sinai; Elijah heard the still small voice on Horeb; Jesus transfigured in the presence of his disciples, his face shining like the sun. 

Visiting Ghana, WCC president from North America presents “Ahead of her Time” awards and recognition of Achimota Secondary School

Rev. Dr Angelique Keturah Walker-Smith, World Council of Churches (WCC) president from North America, visited Ghana to present the Ahead of Her Time awards and the related book to renowned women leaders, past and present. She also had opportunity to visit the Achimota Secondary School which contributed to the ecumenical and leadership formation of these leaders.

Dr Agnes Abuom reflects on “compassionate love, inclusivity and dignity”—for all

As the World Council of Churches (WCC) focuses on final preparations for the upcoming WCC 11th Assembly in Karlsruhe, WCC moderator Dr Agnes Abuom offered some personal reflections on her leadership role within the WCC, the importance of ecumenical work, the loss of ecumenical luminary Metropolitan Gennadios of Sasima, and the most vital part of her own Christian faith.

Senior friends of WSCF: revisiting the past, creating a future

In 1895, student leaders from ten North American and European countries met at Vadstena Castle in Sweden to form the World Student Christian Federation (WSCF). Among its founders were John R. Mott (US), Karl Fries (Sweden), Martin Eckhoff (Norway), Luther D. Wishard (US), Johannes Siemsen (Germany), and J. Rutter Williamson (UK). The WSCF was the first international student organization and together with YMCA and YWCA, it is one of the oldest youth movements still in existence. 

Lighting the lives of many

Empowering underprivileged women and their children to alleviate poverty was the main topic of one of the confessional meetings held during the World Council of Churches (WCC) central committee meeting in mid-June.

Afrikanische Kirchenleiterinnen: „Wo herrscht heute Gerechtigkeit?“

Als sich afrikanische Kirchenleiterinnen vergangene Woche zum offiziellen Start einer ökumenischen Initiative von Frauen für die Förderung von Führungswirken und Bildung, der „Ecumenical Women‘s Initiative for Leadership and Learning“, getroffen haben, haben sie große gesellschaftliche Ungerechtigkeit beklagt, Pionierinnen auf vielen Gebieten gefeiert und sich für einen Geist der Solidarität eingesetzt, von dem sie hoffen, dass er weltweit einen Weg in die Zukunft bahnen wird. 

Dirigeantes d’Église africaines: «Où est la justice aujourd’hui?»

Réunies la semaine dernière pour le colloque inaugural de “initiative œcuménique pour le leadership et l’apprentissage des femmes” , des dirigeantes d’Église africaines ont déploré les graves injustices, célébré les pionnières et cultivé un sentiment de solidarité qui, espèrent-elles, servira d’exemple au monde entier.