Displaying 1 - 20 of 352

WCC makes pilgrimage to Cape Coast and Elmina castles in Ghana

The World Council of Churches (WCC) Reference Group on Overcoming Racism, Xenophobia, Casteism, and all other forms of Discrimination, went on a pilgrimage to historic castles in Elmina and Cape Coast, in Ghana—a visit that exposed the magnitude of sinful injustice perpetuated by European empires and kingdoms on Africans for centuries and whose legacies continue to afflict Africans and people of African Descent around the world. 

"Human Rights in Indonesia” side event addressed crises in West Papua

A side event to the 57th UN Human Rights Council entitled “Human Rights in West Papua,” hosted by the World Council of Churches (WCC) and partner organizations on 1 October, addressed the dire human rights situation in the Papuan provinces of Indonesia, with ongoing violations that include extra-judicial killings, internal displacement due to armed conflict, restrictions on civil liberties, and a growing number of cases of land grabbing. 

WCC General Recommendations for UN PFPAD Third Session (16-19 April 2024)

The World Council of Churches (WCC), a global fellowship of 352 churches representing more than half a billion Christians from around the world, has been deeply involved in the work of the United Nations from as early as 1946 through its Commission of the Churches on International Affairs (CCIA). The WCC is a platform for common action by churches on issues that negate or threaten the dignity of all people. 

WCC Programmes

WCC, WHO commemorate 50 years of collaboration

The World Council of Churches (WCC) and the World Health Organization (WHO) are celebrating 50 years of collaboration. Their work together includes strategizing, publications, seminars, webinars, and responding to crises such as HIV, the Ebola outbreak, and COVID-19 pandemic. 

WCC at the World Social Forum 2024

15 - 19 February 2024

The World Social Forum (WSF) 2024 is scheduled to take place from February 15-19 in Nepal. The WSF serves as an open space and platform for the convergence of a diverse range of participants, including social movements, laborers, farmers, civil society groups, marginalized communities, and those affected by the impacts of neoliberal capitalism and privatization. 

Kathmandu, Nepal

Address by His All-Holiness Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew at the WCC Town-Hall Discussion on Interfaith Dialogue, Climate Change, and Refugee Displacement

Address by His All-Holiness Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew at the WCC Town-Hall Discussion on Interfaith Dialogue, Climate Change, and Refugee Displacement - at the Religious Leaders Unite for Climate Peace in Solidarity with Refugees, Ecumenical Center, Geneva, Switzerland 12 December 2023.

Ecumenical movement