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A human rights and ethical perspective on Noneconomic Loss and Damage (NELD) in the context of climate change

01 July 2024

The World Council of Churches (WCC), as a member of the Geneva Interfaith Forum on Climate Change, Environment, and Human Rights, is co-organising a side event at the 56th Session of the Human Rights Council in Geneva, Switzerland. Focusing on the intersection of human rights and noneconomic loss and damage in the context of climate change, the event will take place on 1 July from 11:00 am to 12:00 pm at Room XXV, Palais des Nations.

Room XXV, Palais des nations and Online

Advocacy and prophetic witness for metanoia

The Kanak concept of “Do Kamo: the authentic human in a permanent becoming”, emphasizes that true human nature is not a fixed state—not something one is born with, but rather an ongoing process of maturation. This is a metaphor for personal growth and transformation, as individuals let go of their past selves and embrace their true identities. This transformation symbolizes shedding our primitive natures and embracing the qualities and potentials of a Do Kamo.

Address by Prof Dr Isabel Apawo Phiri at the closing ceremony of Eco-School 2020/21 for the Pacific (26 February 2021)

Dear Sisters and Brothers,

I had addressed you less than a week ago at the opening of the WCC Eco School 2020-2021 on Sunday evening, Geneva time. And here I am addressing you at the closing. The past 5 days have passed very quickly.  I have been updated by my colleagues responsible for the Eco School that this was an unique experience for all of them and I am sure for you as well. Carrying out a training programme for 5 consecutive days beyond midnight was new for most of them.  But I gather it has been a very enriching experience for them journeying with you all imparting this important training and at the same time listening to your valuable comments, questions and feedback.  But as I said in the opening, despite the geographic and time divide, we are united together virtually for a common cause  -  and that it eco justice! 

WCC Programmes

Address by Prof Dr Isabel Apawo Phiri at the opening ceremony of Eco-School - Pacific (22 February 2021)

Dear Sisters and Brothers,

We are deeply privileged to conduct this Eco- School with all of you, with the youth from 5 different nations, in Fiji, Solomon Islands, Tuvalu, Tonga and Vanuatu. We are truly blessed to join you, the Pacific youth, along with the global ecumenical family and partners for this opening ceremony. We are holding hands virtually, bridging the oceans, the geographic and time divide, and the disruptions caused by the COVID 19 pandemic. We thank you, the Pacific youth, for your time and commitment.

WCC Programmes

WCC Eco-School 2020 for Pacific region is further postponed

The fourth edition of the World Council of Churches (WCC) Eco-School on Water, Food and Climate Justice is postponed to  22-28 February 2021. The Eco School will be held in the Pacific region in five countries (Fiji, Tonga, Vanuatu, Tuvalu & Solomon Islands), hosted by the Pacific Conference of Churches.

Applications open for WCC Eco-School

The fourth edition of the World Council of Churches (WCC) Eco-School on Water, Food and Climate Justice will be held 18-24 January 2021 in the Pacific region in five countries (Fiji, Tonga, Vanuatu, Tuvalu & Solomon Islands).

Seven Weeks for Water 2020, week 7: "Thirsty for justice", by Frances Namoumou and Netani Rika

The seventh and last reflection of the seven weeks for water 2020 of the WCC’s Ecumenical Water Network is written jointly  by Ms Frances Namoumou, Programmes Manager, and Mr Netani Rika, Communications Specialist, Pacific Conference of Churches.  In the following reflection they have analysed the water scarcity situation in the Pacific that is getting worsened by climate change with a justice perspective from the narratives of the persistent widow of the bible. They challenge us not to give up our “thirst for justice” under any circumstances.

WCC Programmes

Seven Weeks for Water 2020, week 3: "Feminization of Water Poverty: Women’s Perspective on Water Justice", by Adi Mariana Waqa

The third reflection of the seven weeks for water 2020 of the WCC’s Ecumenical Water Network is by Adi Mariana Waqa, the Child Protection Coordinator of the Pacific Conference of Churches with contributions from Frances Namoumou Programmes Manager, PCC  and Mereani Nawadra (Project Officer for Gender Equality Theology,  Methodist Women’s Fellowship. In the following reflection they critique Abraham’s decision to send off Hagar into the wilderness with a child with very little water. They draw comparisons that Hagar then and women of today take on the responsibility of securing water needs of the family at the cost of their own safety and wellbeing. This reflection is to commemorate International Women’s day in the context of right to water.

WCC Programmes

Seven Weeks for Water 2020, week 2: "What moves above the waters: fresh water challenges of the Pacific", by Nikotemo Sopepa

The second reflection of the seven weeks for water 2020 of the WCC’s Ecumenical Water Network is by Nikotemo Sopepa, an ordained minister of the Ekalesia Kelisiano Tuvalu. Married with two children, he is currently the  Mission Secretary of the Council for World Mission in the Pacific region.  In the following reflection he compares the life affirming spirit of God that was hovering on the waters in the beginning of the creation story with today’s “death dealing” spirit of commercialization of water over the waters of the pacific region which is worsening its fresh water availability.

WCC Programmes

Klimanotfall: Glaubensgestützte Organisationen wollen ihre prophetische Stimme stärker zu Gehör bringen

Am 24. September trafen sich Delegierte zahlreicher Kirchen und Organisationen weltweit zu einer ganztägigen Veranstaltung mit dem Titel: „Klimanotstand – Glaubensgestützte Organisationen wollen ambitionierteres Handeln – Niemand wird zurückgelassen“, um über ihre Rolle im Kampf gegen den Klimawandel und das menschliche Leid zu erörtern, das er bereits verursacht.